Hi there, I just have a quick (and newbie) privacy related question I’m hoping someone with more knowledge than me can provide a constructive answer on.

If I have installed several browsers on my machine, is using them for different purposes a good way to circumvent data gathering on my browsing behavior? For example, I have chrome downloaded where I do all my Google related work in (gmail, YT, and a work application that requires chrome), but that is the only thing I use the chrome browser for. I do all my personal browsing in Firefox with a litany of extensions meant to prevent trackers. Is it reasonable to assume that Chrome cannot track activity in Firefox?

EDIT: I just wanted to say thank you to this community. There have been some really nice suggestions and no one has said anything nasty which is nice for a change lol. Cheers.

    • Baobab
      22 years ago

      Good suggestions, but I don’t think firejail should be recommended. My reasoning is because firejail requires suid, which can open your system up to privilege escalation holes.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      When I looked into Flatpaks, depending on the access configuration, it seemed to me they can still have a lot of permissions to your file system. It didn’t look to me that Flatpaks were safe enough.