My typing speed is not that good, its about 40 words per minute. But there are people who can type at more than 100 words per minute.

What is your typing speed? Does typing speed really matter?

  • @[email protected]
    3 years ago

    It depends on what you do with it. In general, it’s a plus – especially if you can write so fast that it doesn’t interrupt your thoughts. Typing shouldn’t be an obstacle in between one’s thoughts and the medium. It really annoyed me when I started to learn the Colemak layout, since I noticed that it slowed down my thinking because I got too distracted by the typing process itself. It improved after a while, but it still gets in the way, so unless you have a good reason for changing your default keyboard layout, I’d recommend sticking to the first layout you learned and slowly improving on your typing speed.

    Btw, I should add that the faster you type on a real keyboard, the more annoying it feels to type on a virtual keyboard, but then again I guess most people wouldn’t type longer text on a virtual keyboard anyway.

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 years ago

      Btw, I should add that the faster you type on a real keyboard, the more annoying it feels to type on a virtual keyboard, but then again I guess most people wouldn’t type longer text on a virtual keyboard anyway.

      yeah, virtual keyboards suck