Hello everybody,

I go in bike alone and I would know if there is any app - possibly open source - that allows to my wife to track my position wherever I am when I’m riding.

Thanks in advance

    • poVoq
      03 years ago

      Other than the partial open-source Telegram, none of the suggestions you made are even remotely acceptable if you care about privacy. And with Telegram it is unclear what their servers do with the location data.

      And yes there are FOSS alternatives that work well and are privacy respecting.

      • @[email protected]
        33 years ago

        Yes I know they are not privacy friendly. But these are convenient to use. There is also nothing to set up. Setting up a server for running a location tracking app seems like a lot of work. His wife just wants to know his location.

        • CarrotsHaveEars
          3 years ago

          To be fair, OP wasn’t specifically asking for an open- source solution. Providing commercial answers aren’t wrong and is helpful.