• @[email protected]
    13 years ago

    I like a righteous nerd rant. I’ll admit to not knowing much of anything about X11 or Wayland because I’m kind of new to GNU/Linux and I’m not that smart. I was kind of excited to just start getting into tiling window managers. I tried i3, then xmonad, and had settled on making my daily driver an Arch install with xmonad to try to learn more. But it looks like that’s a no go with Wayland.

    After learning a little about Wayland it seems that it isn’t a matter of Wayland just being ready at some point in time. It’s a protocol that needs to be implemented into software - that means it needs a community of users and developers to begin actively using it, reporting and fixing issues for individual applications.

    It’s sad if it’s gotten to the point that it’s affecting the mental health of the devs who are doing their best to build cool tech and free us from the evils of proprietary software.

    Alright then, after reading this I think I’ll see how I go with Arch + Sway and try to solve any issues that come up.