Please don’t put any hate comments against the developers of lemmy or against the person who posted this.

I am also unhappy about what the main lemmy instance is doing.

What are your thoughts?

    • @[email protected]
      13 years ago

      here’s what I have:

      Containing or based on a fallacy.
      Tending to mislead; deceptive.
      Pertaining to, of the nature of, or embodying fallacy; deceptively erroneous or misleading.
      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        23 years ago

        There is no fallacy here. US state department states that the evidence to support the claim does not exist. The fallacy is trying to turn that into something that it’s not. We’ve literally gone over this for days, and the fact that you still can’t understand that makes me think that we’re not going to get anywhere. Have a good day.

        • @[email protected]
          13 years ago

          The fallacy I refer to is your initial statement as to their denial of genocide. You stated it occurred when no such denial took place. When I say fallacious: I refer to this initial statement that you made as a rhetorical tool - in my view fallaciously.

          Thank you for remaining patient and civil, also have a good day.