My entire life, I have always been told that I am “overemotional”, “overreacting”, etc. to any given situation. Whenever anything bad is happening to me or someone else, I am not supposed to respond or react because it makes me “overdramatic”. I don’t understand how people just stand by and let assholes be assholes either to themselves or to others. I am never ok with that and I get frustrated at injustices. But it has gotten me into trouble my entire life.

Why is it that my feelings are less valid than others? Why am I supposed to let people walk all over me? Why don’t I matter?

  • Kichae
    6 days ago

    Your feelings are no less valid than others. But your feelings and your reactions or behaviours are different things, related as they might be. And those reactions and behaviours may be making others think that you are challenging their feelings.

    That doesn’t make those reactions unjustified. I have no idea what situations you’re encountering, or how you are reacting to them, but some people are often quick to try and shut down discussions or actions that make them feel bad, particularly if they think they are or should be in a position of authority over others.