There has been a steady trickle of new users here today, and in the past little while, mostly due to the bad decisions that reddit is currently making.

Anyways, welcome! Feel free to look around, and if you have any questions about anything lemmy related, feel free to ask!

Also, if you feel up to it, introduce yourself in the comments below!

edit: Here’s a nice getting started guide for lemmy:

i should have added it here a while ago!

  • @smorksOPMA
    311 months ago

    i think the lemmy dev’s have said that (which has many more active users) runs on a very low resource machine as well, plus they have a bunch of other stuff running on the same machine too, i can’t remember the exact specs however.

      • @smorksOPMA
        11 months ago

        Hmmm, that’s weird, it should be. it was a few days ago I believe. I’ll check in with the devs. Thanks for letting me know!

        edit: apparently it was a bug in the RC version of lemmy i was running for a few days. now that i’m on the release 0.17.3, it should be back on there later today.