The union representing Canada Post workers says the Crown corporation has been laying off striking employees as the labour action by more than 55,000 workers approaches the two-week mark.

  • yannic
    3 months ago

    Is this because they get limited compensation from the union for a short time during strikes and lockouts, and by being laid off at this time, this employment insurance may kick in around the same time as their union strike benefits dwindle?

    I know so little about these things. I’m just going by what my wife has mentioned in passing, and she was a local president (not as glorious a position as it sounds – more like whomever got the short straw every two years).

    • Sturgist
      3 months ago

      Depends on how fast the employer gets your ROE in to CRA. In 2008 I had a company wait to literally the last day they legally had to put it in.

      If they’re publicly laying people off, I’d wager they’re being prompt about putting ROEs in. So…yes?