U.S. has had 251 military interventions since 1991!?!..

  • krolden
    72 years ago

    Did this guy really getbanned for arguing? Grow a fucking spine and cope. Banning for something like this is extremely childish. Apparently arguing a point means you’re ‘fighting’ with other users. Really disappointing mod action.

    • comfy
      42 years ago

      User got 3 days for “getting into fights with many users” global modlog/community modlog

      They did have a couple of deleted comments that were correctly hit for rule 2 (although it’s still inconsistent moderation, seeing how worthless insults like this stay up) but being banned for arguing with many people? That’s beyond reasonable. This is a political thread, a bunch of users disagreed with a poorly-made but legitimate critique, and the person gets banned for replying to many of them?

      Might as well say ‘this is an echo-chamber, controversial opinions are banned’. I agree, very disappointing, and not based in the site or community rules.