• 49 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Yes and I know both Kenny and Spenny pesonally. Kenny is or was a part owner of a pub I used to frequent on Queen and Dovercourt in Toronto - The Dog and Bear. He was friends of mutual friends so we’d hang out every now and again.

    Spenny broke my friends coffee table. She was having a party and again, mutual friends, knew Spenny and he came over. it was a typical coke and alcohol shindig that was common in Toronto around the early 2010s. he got wasted on booze and collapsed through the coffee table. It was good times.

    Back then in Toronto it was different, if you lived west of spadina you pretty much were one of the “trendy hipster” 20 somethings and you knew everyone. Bryan Lee O’Malley the artist/writer of Scott Pilgrim was obsessed with my roommate/friend but she didn’t like his comics so she kept giving him the cold sholder. She did however date Michael Comeau who was a character in Scott Pilgrim and it’s true, that guy did indeed know everyone.

    Sorry went off subject but your comment just reminded me of that time of my life.

  • judging by how places are now either blocking off certain entrances/exits or narrowing entrances/exits it’s getting there.

    I’ve seen several Shoppers completely block off store entrances via the makeup section so there’s only one point of entry and exit. Seen the same for rexalls that have kept shutters/glass doors closed for half their entrances to narrow people going in and out. Not to mention all the loblaws/zehrs that have made you walk through several automatic gates to get in and out.

    Shop lifting is affecting these places, it’s clearly evident, but I have no sympathy because they’ve essentially done it to themselves with the rising costs…likely by design, it’s a good excuse.

    All that being said if I see someone stealing food, no the fuck I didn’t.

    also to add to this if you can in your city/town shop local or shop with a co-op. I’m lucky enough to be in Toronto and fairly close to Chinatown and I’ll never shop anywhere else. I do all my shopping at random mom and pop places there and I’m paying a fraction of what I would have been normally paying at loblaws.

  • they used to show Corner Gas on WGN in the US back in like 2007 or 2008. and WGN was broadcasted nationwide. I remember watching Corner Gas when I lived in Arizona and it really made me miss Canada.

    But i’ll be showing my age here but when I think of Canadian TV I’d say Kids in the Hall, SCTV, and unfortunately Just For Laughs: Gags (Americans seem to love this show, I don’t know a single Canadian that actually likes it.)

  • rozodrutoPC GamingFallout: London is out
    2 days ago

    keep in mind apparently this is ONLY for Fallout 4 GOTY Edition. you can’t play this if you don’t have all the DLC for FO4. And if you’re like me who only played the base FO4 on launch and never got the DLC…this mod isn’t exactly “free” as the DLC alone, and again you need ALL of it, is $50+

  • as someone who volunteers and works with homeless people, few of which are addicts, you hit the nail on the head. I mean I’ve had other co-workers, some who even used to be homeless themselves, refuse to help addicts or keep them at a distance. They don’t care if they die and see it as a benefit if they do. One former homeless guy that I work with regularly told me “the addicts steal your stuff constantly, they cause problems in shelters, they wake you up in the middle of the night, I don’t care for them.”

    There’s a lot of resentment towards addicts in the homeless community who feel that services and programs are tailored specifically to addicts who take advantage. There’s also the fact that simply being homeless means the rest of society instantly lumps them in with the addicts thus making attempts to recieve help and services much more difficult for sober homeless invididuals. there’s the constant stigma that if you’re homeless you’re obviously an addict which simply isn’t the case.

    So I get it, I see it first hand. No one wants to deal with addicts on all fronts. people who are housed and unhoused don’t want to deal with them.

    If you want to decriminalize it then fine, go for it, but you god damn well better make sure you have the supports in place before you even think about doing so. Otherwise it’s all for naught. Because even programs currently in place for homeless addicts aren’t working and most of the homeless programs in place are geared towards addicts. Therefore people who aren’t addicts and are homeless essentially are told “deal with it on your own, we have nothing for you, we’re here to help the ones that don’t want the help.”

    It’s a whole system from top to bottom that needs to go back to the drawing board.

  • well of course he “can’t find” the money for the science centre, he doesn’t want his knee caps broken. He owes the familiy that is building right across the street from the Science Centre the land after he fumbled the greenbelt that the same family (can’t remember the name of them) was going to develop on. He owes them land/money.