• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m not sure if you will find much sympathy here. Many people (myself included) left Reddit because their policies and ethics now outweigh the benefits of a refined, smooth experience. Although, even that may be gone now if you’re switching from Apollo to the default Reddit app…

    The communities here have made any occasional glitches worth it for me.

    P.S. you can set your sorting preference under Settings.

  • When it comes to income and taxation, there is a lot more grey than you think.

    Technically, ALL income for business-earning purposes should be reported and taxed accordingly.

    Regarding taxation of the buyer, at least in Canada, GST is generally not applicable until the seller is earning $30K+.

    But REALISTICALLY - no taxation agency really cares about 1 chair.

    I probably wouldn’t consider it a black market/underground economy unless it was significant and ongoing. E.g., your neighbours REGULARLY sell chairs for profit and don’t report their earnings.