This is how I felt about all the Nolan Batman movies, except it was Batman himself I couldn’t take seriously because of Bale’s ridiculous Cookie Monster voice. I think I burst out laughing in the theatre when I first heard it.
This is how I felt about all the Nolan Batman movies, except it was Batman himself I couldn’t take seriously because of Bale’s ridiculous Cookie Monster voice. I think I burst out laughing in the theatre when I first heard it.
This is 100% the point. This is why oligarchs threw in with Trump. It’s exactly the same reasoning to defund the IRS, so they don’t have the manpower to go after the big fish.
I thought watching the new ones was like watching paint dry. At least Lynch’s version had some personality.
Yeah, I’d rather watch the Lynch version anytime, the new ones are like 6 hours of bland, boring choices and wooden performances.
Women in Love, definitely Ken Russell’s masterpiece.
Canada. I live in Vancouver, which is a notoriously expensive housing market (but the rest of the country is rapidly catching up!).
House would be nice, but detached houses in my neighborhood are currently selling for 3-4 million, so I’ll stay in my nice affordable apartment.
If anyone here likes Japanese animation and hasn’t seen Satoshi Kon’s work, specifically Perfect Dark and Paprika, stop what you’re doing right now and fix that.
Last night I watched Red Room (2023) which was excellent, one of the scariest movies I’ve seen in ages, and not a moment of gore.
Couple days ago I watched Todd Haynes’ Far From Home (2003) without knowing ahead of time that it was a remix of Douglas Sirk’s 50s melodramas, but it was a really pleasant surprise. It inspired me to watch Fassbinder’s Ali: Fear Eats The Soul which I unsurprisingly enjoyed a little less as I’ve never been quite able to connect with his more bleak takes on relationships.
Is it open source, or is it owned by a private company? Looks exactly like the kind of thing that’ll be great for a few years and then become enshittified, like all for-profit software inevitably seems to.
See, while I think this a valid perspective, I am baffled by the need people have to see movies look realistic. You live in realism every day. I want to movies to look interesting, otherworldly, and beautiful. I want every frame to look like a painting. Realism’s fucking boring. Like, it’s a visual medium, why accept anything short of visually stunning?
Every time I watch In The Mood For Love, I’m bummed that all movies don’t look like that, you know?
It does not.
Y’all need to see the OG anti-nazi movie, Charlie Chaplin’s The Great Dictator, which he made in 1939.
Places that aren’t home or work. Social places, like bars.
Just tell Brendan to shut up.
Check out Soularr, pretty new, scripts to integrate slskd and lidarr, works great for me paired with Deezer downloading through arr-scripts.
The bc libs were unrelated to federal libs, and were in fact a conservative party. They “collapsed” when they all switched parties to avoid splitting the right wing vote.
Op is talking about the NB election.
Scott Thompson as Elizabeth II
I’m not sure why you’re trying to argue this stuff. This is a thread about movies you can’t be convinced are good. I’m not trying to convince you, I’m stating that I liked the David Lynch Dune considerably more than the new ones. Feel free to take that or leave it, art’s not really objective, dude.