Trans people need lots of real allies who are prepared to put themselves in danger to defend them.
Trans people need lots of real allies who are prepared to put themselves in danger to defend them.
Anyone who leaves a message in full view to announce they’ve accessed the system isn’t the real danger. If whoever this is could get in, so can the real experts from China, Russia, North Korea, etc. There’s no way Musk’s DOGE people, in their destructive haste, have taken any care over security. It’s even likely his team of punchable kids put in their own backdoors, thinking they were being clever. If and when foreign adversaries find their way in through those, they’re not putting up an announcement.
Even if the judges decide to bar Musk and his cronies from government systems, I don’t expect they would simply comply. They know that if they just keep going, the judges have to be the ones scrambling to catch up. It’s a deliberate tactic of moving so fast that the mechanisms of checks and balances become de facto irrelevant. It reminds me of what the Israeli military always did, creating “facts on the ground” while the international community discussed how things should be arranged. By the time the discussions concluded, the conclusion would be irrelevant to the reality. By the time the law catches up, Musk will have done what he set out to do. And he knows as well as anyone how difficult it is to enforce any law against the richest man in the world.
He wants to seize Greenland, Panama and Canada because they are either strategically important or have valuable resources, or both (and, in the case of Canada, because he wants revenge on Trudeau for being “woke” and standing up to his ape-dominance handshakes). This name change though is just because he hates Mexicans.
I like the regular web UI better than the alternatives. It’s really pretty good.
Also because people don’t like to support the Nazi billionaire who is actively destroying their country. But the terrible quality control of their overpriced and poorly designed cars doesn’t help.
If we get a Conservative federal government we will be dealing with the same destruction and decline, and the same institutionalised hatred and persecution, as is happening in the USA.
Yes, they reassessed and found it more likely to hit.
Thank goodness the USA has been saved from the deep state of qualified, experienced professionals trying to do the best job they can.
Do they have an error reporting feature?
Its not that catastrophic.
I can’t think of a fully independent one.
Kagi includes search results from the big search engines, which would mean Google and Bing. So while they do some of their own crawling to improve the results, some of your money will still be going to Google and Microsoft. It’s still a step in a better direction though. I don’t know whether Kagi has any plans to become more independent in future.
Musk is white though.
Without a doubt they will have those other use cases in mind too. Mentioning them is just not good for marketing in public.
They think there will be more profit in it, especially since bees can’t be repurposed as weapons.
In Trump’s America you’ll be guilty if he says so until executed. There will be no opportunity to prove innocence.
It’s even crazier given that Canada, unlike the USA, has a viable third party in the NDP, which sits to the left of the Liberals and has some actual policies that would help people. Yet for some reason when people are being screwed by billionaires and their corporations, and by Conservative provincial governments, and even as they watch the USA declining daily under fascism, they still turn to the right instead of the left. Do people just have no idea what Conservatives are about?
If you’re talking about this comment thread, people are defending equality before the law and due process, not defending rapists and murderers.
I’m not sure that is the ethical route when you’re talking about disrupting the operations of a Nazi-led government.