The UK has been right up there on the highest number of cameras per person in the world, this isn’t surprising. They’ve been at the forefront of this before China took the records.
The UK has been right up there on the highest number of cameras per person in the world, this isn’t surprising. They’ve been at the forefront of this before China took the records.
Absolutely ran into fake CVs and people farming off the interview to 3rd party interview factories. Not at all surprised this was happening. Can’t say I ran into North Koreans but a lot of recruitment agencies were passing people on with little to no vetting. You’d interview someone on camera and they’d be a different person once everything was signed. Given how hard it was to correct that they’d still walk away with a few weeks salary, even in your states with at will contracts it’s super difficult to let anyone go.
I’ve got this, it’s in the canoo app. It’s for one year and not forever. Permanent residents and new citizens get access to this. I haven’t been able to use this particular benefit.
It’s a shortcut for experience, but you lose a lot of the tools you get with experience. If I were early in my career I’d be very hesitant relying on it as its a fragile ecosystem right now that might disappear, in the same way that you want to avoid tying your skills to a single companies product. In my workflow it slows me down because the answers I get are often average or wrong, it’s never “I’d never thought of doing it that way!” levels of amazing.
Dream of tech bosses everywhere. Pay an intermediate dev for average level senior output.
What a shambles. I have a T3 now which means I now know I needed a T3, previous to that it was still unclear so I just had to wait. After reading this article I’m still unclear on what bare trusts are. They could use some helpful examples or a diagram.
I’m a lefty but my teachers never knew how to handle a lefty so my handwriting is also illegible. I had to go do handwriting basics (“colour in the enclosed area of the A shape”) in high school.
So mileage may vary even if leftyism is tolerated. But look at me now teachers! I type obscure commands all day and get a sore hand when I pick up a pen! Checkmate!
Human? I’m just a lead induced hallucination. In reality you’ve been chewing on your gems, which coincidentally are made of lead, and talking to the wall.
I think this (well, Community) gives people hope that there are better versions in different timelines. Dash those hopes, there is only one reality, this is where they are. No rolling dice out of this one.
Enter sandman with a boner
No yaml, no helm, no operators? Using Pulumi as a layer of abstraction but not using ingress because its a layer of abstraction?
I don’t know the equivalent in GCP, but in AWS this would be treating EKS like ECS. Missing out on 90% of the benefits of kubernetes by ignoring that 90%.
But also, small company. Kubernetes is a better base to start from and expand from there.
Interesting. Politicians just come in to existence already in power? This explains so much.
Surely by now they must know who Jordan Klepper is. They must know that they’re not going to present them in the best light. But they keep talking to him (great, keep this series going). Do they come out of these interviews thinking they did well and are helping spread the word?
Also I’m not entirely sure they know what a King is, or a dictator. Bizarre how they might have read a lot of stories about Kings and Queen’s, maybe from the bible, perhaps they even watched game of thrones, but want this for themselves? I get that they want this for others thinking that excludes them, but how do they make that link?
This makes meat obelisk slices sound more appealing to me. And now I’m hungry.
It can be a bit of a high. Mouth in pain but mind is like woah.
I just got back from Australia and while cooler temperatures than 39 are welcome, this is probably a tad lower than what I hoped for.
From one person’s experience (mine): They don’t read CVs that closely. I’ve got a couple of 1 year jobs (not contracts) and they’re more interested in what I did rather than why so short. If they ask I tell them it’s because I didn’t like the position but gave it a go for a year. I also have a 2 year gap in employment none of them are interested in for 4 jobs now, they don’t even spot the missing years and I’ve had to point it out in interviews because it’s a story of how I deal with big tasks.
If they are that petty that they’ll pass me over because of something like that then that employers policies would raise more flags than I’d want to deal with anyway.
When hiring you have hundreds of CVs pass by, I’m looking for experience, we’ll sort out these other details in the interview.
Caveat: I am older now, more senior but never had issues finding work.
Not surprising. There’s a part of the Shopify careers site that has a letter you have to acknowledge that says (paraphrased): Care more about the ability to sell than what people sell, and if feel you might disagree with what people sell then this isn’t the workplace for you. They really drill that point home on the site and in interviews, not surprising their stance is ‘no comment’.
(I didn’t get the job)