Heh…I was just making an aside. Didn’t mean to be suggestion for a banner.
Thanks for the artist info!
Heh…I was just making an aside. Didn’t mean to be suggestion for a banner.
Thanks for the artist info!
Sway. I look around every few months but nothing usually, um, erm pendulates my interest. I have hyprland installed…but my config file breaks with every update, and it’s rice first, function later. I’m an opposite-ricer. I like to strip all decorations.
Hayes 1200. Anyone know why these things were built to be bombproof? Always kinda wondered about that…
I’ve never had a problem with my Libra’s. Heard hear-say about Sage. Honestly tho, I carry a power bank in my laptop/gadget satchel, so…I don’t really pay much attention to any battery besides that one.
I’m a long time Anker fan.
Dang it! I actually knew that from previous exploration, but couldn’t find it again and thought I had dreamt it. The ‘Home’ icon threw me off.
Stupid Murphy and their stupid laws. 😝
These. Basic Bike these days just don’t need as much daily maintenance. 😿
Biggest outside case I am always paranoid about is a loosening headset or bottom bracket. If you ever notice any knocking up front fix immediately. Chris King headsets seem to have also removed this small piece of bicycle maintenance tho.
Do not pressure wash your bike! You will end up degreasing all those fancy sealed bearings.
In a pinch those wall leaning bicycle storage racks can be used as a light work stand. Most bike work these days doesn’t necessitate the heavy wrenching required in the past. You may want to maybe immobilize the front wheel from flopping all about. Just something to consider. Two birds, one stone and all that.
I’ve been stuck on i3wm/sway for ages now. The eos-ce-sway dotfiles are really great. Particularly in their include/segmented structure.
It really is super fun. I can be a bit snobbish in my reading choices and was glad to get turned onto the genre(LitRPG) in general.
Just keep the config file(s) handy and always be playing with them. Join IRC #sway@Libera. Oh…and you can use the majority of the i3wm docs outside of anything doing with output or input. While I love man pages…I prefer web content for my docs.