This is what I missed on r/science. The thorough paper critique! Thank you so much!
This is what I missed on r/science. The thorough paper critique! Thank you so much!
Our country is trialling the UTI vaccine. Think of other advancement we made since COVID.
What RSS Reader do you guys recommend?
Unmade Podcast - 2 dudes talking podcast.
Yes. This one! Sawbones is good too(-a doctor and a comedian podcast)
Red alert 2 is what pushed me to the neverending gaming hole.
I have an irrational fear of Beaker of the Muppets.
Thanks for the translation!
They should add “Because of 25% tariff US viewers can’t see the last 10% of all videos.”
Yes, they should all take Vit A fortified vaccine so RFK can say “see! It’s Vit A!”
Also consider the amount of influence oligarchs created to get their president to power, divide everyone and put blame on each other.
Anti-depressants might help.
I think she didn’t fold it in half then half. Buy I’m not sure.
Life is too short to please everyone.
This Podcast Will Kill You EP 137: ME/CFS did a great episode. They also have their sources so if you need a deeper dive you can read the articles.
Summary: Greed prevented development of vaccine. - Merck Group acquired all the rights but didn’t work on them.
I saw a big white owl. It looks like as tall as a toddler. Then it flew away before I can even react.
Does it save route history? Or destinations? That’s one feature I like with Google, disregarding any privacy concerns.
OP’s point is they are leaving important details and using anger inducing headlines to get readers.