Freaking LOVE Lagrange, super glad to see it mentioned here
Just an UwU boi living in an OwO world
Freaking LOVE Lagrange, super glad to see it mentioned here
I work in IT for healthcare, and our CTO, CIO, and head of Cybersecurity are all ex-Microsoft. We’re a “Windows Shop” adopting anything Microsoft has ever made, from Windows to Azure DevOps to Access
Whoof, caught me eating the onion, I absolutely believed he’d say that
Zenless Zone Zero
Why wait? Dual boot, get cozy, still have the ability to go back to Windows if needed, find alternative apps, and soon enough, you won’t need the Windows partition :) Worked for my partner, my brother, and myself
Honestly, that’s one of the cool parts of old internet (forums, chatrooms, etc.) is getting to know people, you get to know the community 😊
Kind of an odd one there in that as far as I understand, they were reusing one of their IP’s, Red Dead Revolver. Ironically, I played Red Dead Revolver as a kid, never played RDR2. That said, it’s not like it’s a cohesive universe between the two by any means, so your point still stands.
ngl, I don’t comment nearly as often anymore out of concern for anything I say to be misconstrued, argued, or wanting verification like this meme. Ya’ll, I’ve got a job and a life, I can’t/don’t want to sit here and fight people. The worst gets assumed of anything and it gets difficult to have productive, much less positive discourse online.
My perspective is simple, a win is a win. If someone makes the leap to Linux, that’s a huge win, regardless of distro.
I fully expected someone to respond like this, but here’s the thing…
My wife and I moved over to Manjaro when it was the hot new thing and we were new to Linux. She stays on LTS and only updates a couple times a year - and thusly have had no issues at all with it. I’m not about to demand that she let me re-image her computer and undo all of her customizations just because the internet hates Manjaro.
Simple fact is that she’s on Linux and I’m proud of her for being willing to take that step.
I named several other distros including the very ones that you man-splaned to me, don’t get hung up on the one ;)
Fedora KDE on home computer
Manjaro KDE on wife’s computer
Endeavor Sway on small laptop
MX Linux XFCE on GPD Pocket
Fedora GNOME on work non-sanctioned laptop
Ubuntu WSL on work sanctioned laptop
You’ve got excellent taste, my friend
[Actively using Azure Devops and ServiceNow] oh…
When your goal is genocide, a kill is a kill
Lord of the Flies up in there, hot damn!
aaaand then I dream about it, and wake up at 3 am with an epiphany as to how it could be done. Too bad it never works for my own projects…
ngl, I love hearing the rest of the world, it gives perspective into what we’re doing well, what we’re doing poorly, and what’s downright fucked up
You all got lunches? Maybe I should see a therapist…
Downvoting due to rules, but this is a favorite of mine, the music is obscenely good, too
Hadn’t heard a thing, wow