Hmm I get what you’re saying. That’s thoughtful of you. I hope that your situation improves soon and everything works out
Hmm I get what you’re saying. That’s thoughtful of you. I hope that your situation improves soon and everything works out
I’ve been wondering if the hobbies I’ve been nurturing over the past while are just a distraction from not being able to get ahead in life and that if I were doing better off stability wise would I pursue the same things?
It’s kinda like a weird butterfly effect of “if I wasn’t struggling, would I be doing this still?” And then I question if I’m doing the right thing. Instead of investing time into hobbies or other superficial artistic endeavors, would I be better off by now if I had managed to invest the time into bettering myself, learning marketable skills, looking for better paying work etc?
I feel like it might not be worth overthinking things either, though. Looking into the past probably isn’t helpful. But trying to look to the future has me questioning the past, lol.
Ima just throw this out there. But you should take the offer! You need real food. Take care of yourself before helping others! Don’t live off of powder if you don’t have to.
Edit: sorry if this came off the wrong way, but I see so many good people struggling and it sucks
That’s always the best feeling. I was building a messaging app once for a college project, and I couldn’t get it to work at all. Took it to my instructor after class, explained the issue, and explained all my ideas/attempts to fix it.
He booted the application up on his machine, and it worked first try. Somehow, from that point on, it was working, and I still have no idea how. My only guess is that it was some kind of caching issue.
His bibles are made in China lol
He’s been selling bibles that were made in China
He also has mentioned a couple of times that if people voted for him, it would be the last time they would ever need to vote.
I’ve mentioned this before, but my employer is now tracking keyboard inputs, mouse movement+clicks+scroll wheel movement. Additionally, tracking changes of active applications.
Can confirm it causes anxiety and stress.
I hope more studies are done. I think stuff like this is only going to become more commonplace, and I think we need more regulations to prevent toxic work conditions.
I don’t really have much to go off of other than my own experiences, but I don’t think social media caused me more anxiety than normal except for one exception. During the beginning and early years of the pandemic, reddit usage did sometimes cause me more anxiety. Especially when people were hateful/disregarded other people.
Otherwise, the main things that cause me anxiety are a lack of community + a lack of third spaces. Feeling like I have no purpose other than being a cog in a machine/wealth disparity/alienation from my labour. Governments that don’t care for the people they’re supposed to serve. A general feeling of not being able to get ahead in life.
That’s been the major cause of anxiety for me for the past 12 years
I think it really depends on how people are using the internet/ social media. I’m sure we all use it differently, and it might cause more or less anxiety.
Possibly! It’ll happen eventually. I’m in no rush I suppose. I’ve got plenty in my backlog already and not enough time haha
I can’t wait to get a new PC eventually. I’ve been missing out on some exciting mods and PC games the past 5 or 6 years
After playing part of their game Outer Worlds, I’m not surprised. I thought the writing was alright, but the game felt lacking and empty. I was surprised because I’ve only ever heard good things about New Vegas. I haven’t played New Vegas yet but I’m assuming it’s a much better time
Hah wouldn’t that be something.
Tbh they don’t need Niantic to do this. They can collect that info straight from phones. Back doors go brrrr (is that meme still relevant?)
Heh, bopping them on the nose with the newspaper would be pretty sick though.
I hope the whole 4 day work week eventually takes off. That would be wonderful. A whole extra day to recharge. Amazing.
You’re probably right about it being an emotional issue. It’s probably difficult to accept that doing something like that could help produce better results.
The place I work for always boasts about how we’re making millions of extra dollars each year. But raises (if any!) have not kept up with inflation. I’m able to save far less money than I could when I started in 2019 and my lifestyle hasn’t changed at all other than trying to live more frugally over time.
My workplace also keeps putting in monitoring tools that continue to get more invasive over time. The most recent addition is seeing mouse movement, clicks and scrolls, keyboard inputs and how often there are page/program changes on your screen. There’s still ways around it, but it’s annoying because it doesn’t solve the productivity/morale issues and just makes them worse lol.
It’s like…the solution is right in front of their noses. Just treat people better/not like robots
Damn yeah that’ll do it. Kids can be ruthless!
Yeah “uhms” and the dreaded “like” are also an issue for me too. I would like to eliminate it from my vocabulary entirely. I make videos and live stream, and I notice it a lot when I watch playback. It’s pretty terrible. Did you have a hard time ridding them from your speech? I should try fixing that.
Shit. My ignorance is showing lol.
Thanks for the correction. I’m about to go on a deep dive of reading now :)
Yeah I mean, idk what happened there. Brain wasn’t computing well I guess.
But for real I really don’t know. I’ve noticed that happens with me sometimes where I’ll repeat phrases in a single post
I can’t tell what I’m looking at, but the tag saying it might be wasps gave me chills lol