Let go and let entropy. 🌌

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I found the wiki article helpful. Perhaps you will as well.


    The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.

    This has no bearing on the admitted facts or evidence. The goal is to prevent the defense from basically saying, “They deserved it because they were gay/trans, and that surprised/scared me so much I acted violently.” It’s like saying you punched someone because they were wearing a different colored shirt. It’s not okay to hurt someone because of who they are.

    The law was passed to prevent victim blame and to make it clear that being gay/trans isnt scary. People are people. And violence isn’t okay, even if one’s bigotry causes them act irrationally.

    EDIT: Updated to simplify what I was trying to convey

  • I have to admit that I was confused by the meaning of this “panic defense”. The following from the article helped a bit.

    At the September hearing, Pohutsky said “the LGBTQ panic defense is often deployed as a component of other defenses to play on the unfortunate prejudices of some judges and juries in an effort to mitigate penalties for these crimes.”

    But a linked article made this “defense” tactic even more clear.

    Gay rights advocates are outraged after an Austin, Texas, man received a light sentence for stabbing his neighbor to death in what some are calling an example of the so-called gay panic defense.

    For decades, the rare defense has allowed a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity to justify violent crime in some cases. Now, advocates are saying it should be banned.

    I’m honestly surprised that this was ever admissable in the first place. Well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

    This is good for the people of Michigan and the other 19 states that ban it. May all US states follow in kind.

  • I can’t deal with this. It has to stop.

    I just watched the footage and once again I’m blown away by the callous disregard for life. What the AF is wrong with people! 🤬

    At this point, I think cops simply need to be disarmed. Period. Very few specialized cops should be armed in special circumstances. Outside that, cops need to just rely on their f-cking “de-escalation” skills alone. If they’re scared, then they can call it in and get support. No more f-cking drawing weapons against unarmed civilians though. We can revisit this if and when too many cops are dying from all the many scary things they constantly need to draw their weapons for. We will then address their concerns with the same level of effort that civilian deaths are being accounted for.

    The end.

    Take the f-cking guns away!

    Okay. Now the end.


  • I would always try to remind myself that the character is a person and they are simply observing things and that many of those observations are ones I would even make myself. There’s no wrongness in noticing any particular thing. It’s just input. However, when I’m describing observations about a person to someone else, I’m almost certainly not going to provide that kind of detail. It’s absolutely superfluous. And so I found Butcher’s propensity for that to be weird. At the same time, it was human enough that I felt it could be tolerated should the story be good. And the stories are good. I miss them.

    It’s been at least two years since I read a Dresden story and I’m not sure what Butcher’s timetable is for more books. Word on the street (aka wikipedia) is that he has plans for five more. No idea if he’s written much in this world the last 4 years though.

    I’ve never been good at “following” personalities, so I get surprised when I eventually find out new books are published. One author I enjoy just released the final book in a series I’ve been reading. I found out because apparently I’m on his email newsletter list. I guess I should be doing that for every author. 😁 No need to when it comes to Patrick Rothfuss though. I’ve given up on that dream. (Okay okay. Below the belt. sorry. But a little not sorry also. 😬)

  • I enjoyed these books, but there were many moments of eye rolling and frustration especially early on. I started a game with my partner where I yelled “tips!” out loud every time Butcher describes the tips of womens nipples through their shirt. Gah.

    Regardless, the books and characters grew on me and I really look forward to future reads. It’s been forever since the last book. It’s so odd to fly through so many books and then find myself waiting. I tend to read series really late and don’t usually have to wait. Ack! I even watched the TV series as a filler. 🤪