Oh my goodness. I love the spritely innocence of Sylphrena. Being an honor spren, cousin to wind spren, i cant help but find myself absolutely delighted by her mischievousness.
I’m reading Stormlight 5 now and this scene had me absolutely cracking up. I can’t believe Brandon wrote this. It is so very Syl. 🤣😂😜💜💜💜
Syl’s eyes went wide, and she let out a soft “Ooooo …”
“New style,” the woman behind the counter said. “Based on an old ko-takama.” To their confused looks, she continued, “Female warrior clothing, very old, from our more savage times. That didn’t use the uniform coat, of course—and those had a higher waist, and sometimes a bow. I might have a picture somewhere …”
She trailed off as Syl’s clothing fuzzed and she was immediately wearing something similar. Syl rose up a little, her skirt—which was longer than the one she had worn in the past—rippling faintly. Thin, pleated, with the fitted jacket above. She continued to wear her hair loose, though she was one of the only ones in the room to do so.
“Nice,” Kaladin said. “It suits you.”
Syl grinned.
“I’d suggest,” the woman said, “a nice pair of leggings or trousers under the ko-takama for a Windrunner—or whatever you are—so that …”
“What?” Syl said innocently.
“When you’re flying,” the woman said. “So that, you know …”
Syl cocked her head, then gasped. “Oh! Or everyone will see my chull.”
“Your … chull?” the woman asked.
Syl leaned forward conspiratorially across the counter. “I could never figure out why these humans were so shy about the spot between their legs! Strange to my uncultured spren mind. Then I figured it out! Must be something pretty ugly down there, for everyone to be so afraid to show it! The ugliest thing I know of is a chull head. So when I made this body, I put one there.”
The woman stared at Syl, and seemed to be trying very hard not to look.
“… Chull head,” the woman finally said.
“Chull head,” Syl replied.
“Down … there.”
“Down there.”
Syl held the woman’s eyes with an unblinking stare, before adding, “I feed it grass sometimes.”
The woman released a shockspren and made a sound not unlike one Kaladin had heard from men being strangled.
Bwahahahaahh! 😂😂😂😂
So which fan art do you think most best represents Syl? 💜
Link: https://stormlightarchive.fandom.com/wiki/Sylphrena#Gallery
Yeah nice but wtf why the image