1nt3rd1m3nt10n4l [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I mean, for me, it doesn’t make any sense to have food from a sit-down restaurant, or from a place with a drive-thru delivered. Like, you go to a sit-down restaurant both for the food & because it’s a place to go that’s not your house or work. With drive-thru, yeah you’re not investing a significant amount of time getting the food, nor do you have to co-ordinate ordering it, and then remembering to go pick it up (an issue for me, cause of ADHD/ASD). But with pizza it’s so ubiquitous, and you usually do have to order it before picking it up, it kind of just makes more sense to have it delivered I guess? I mean I know people who don’t have it delivered, but they always buy from like Little Ceasars or something, which is fair because they have pre-made pizzas, so it’s like drive-thru, but if you weren’t going for that, idk delivery doesn’t seem that much more expensive? IDK.

    I should say that I very rarely actually eat anything that I didn’t cook myself anyways, so shrug-outta-hecks

  • you need to find a way to feel some agency in the world without wanting everyone who insults you dead.

    Did we read the same fucking comment? Because my response was not about an incident where somebody just shouted at another user on the street & calling them a “pinko commie f*g”, or something like that.

    What happened was, that GorbinOut very nearly got into a fatally injurious car collision due to another drivers malicious behavior. They insulted that driver; who then proceeded to follow them home & assault them, eventually with that same vehicle; and my response to that is “you need to be able to defend yourself, possibly by ending this kind of freaks life, before they end yours”.

    At what fucking point is this an unreasonable conclusion to draw from this series of events?

  • Maybe.

    escalating to murder is rarely a good time.

    It’s not an escalation if that’s exactly what the chud that assaulted them came there to do, which it sounds like it was from reading their post.

    At some fucking point you have to actually be willing to defend yourself & your interests against those that would seek to destroy them, and the way you do that in the material world is through violence.

    The only other alternative here, that I can see, is to just not have fucking opinions of any kind, and to accept ones role as an entirely passive social object. Is that what you think the correct option is?