[Wab] Kinew, speaking at the premiers’ conference in Halifax, said practising democracy is the best way to thank those who fought to defend it. “As someone who just went through an election recently, I’m very, very mindful of the sacrifices that the veterans of our great country have made so that each and every one of us can participate in this strong democracy.”

A lot of discourse focuses on the rights of Canadians: what the government owes us. Not enough space is given to the notion of duty: what we owe to each other, our communities and our country. Mr. Kinew’s excellent notion speaks to that sense of obligation, as opposed to a sense of entitlement.

  • jadero
    11 months ago

    So it is. I was reading that as being applicable to the general public, not necessarily including the political class. That’s what I read, though, not what was said.