Love these threads, tell us something scary.

    1 year ago

    I was in Kaysville, Utah which is know for being one of the creepier cities in Utah. I was in a store (one of the type that was once a house in residential until it was rezoned as commercial and turned into a store) and shopping around. The house/store had an upstairs that was ‘employee only’.

    I shopped there for like thirty minutes and the whole time the owner’s kids were upstairs playing around. As I was leaving I heard some giggling upstairs and I said to the cashier “sounds like they’re having fun”. She looked at me dead ass and said: “you hear them too?” She was wide and teary eyed. It freaked me the hell out.

    I was like “yeaahh…” and she shook her head slowly and was like “there’s no kids up there. Hasn’t been since we bought the place…”

    Still weirded out by that one.

    1 year ago

    It’s not super spooky, but like 7 years ago, I took a solo road trip to Ione, NV (an abandoned gold rush town).

    When I pulled in, one of the first things I noticed was a flower in a pot on the windowsill of a house. Thing is: that flower was clearly alive and well, indicating that it got regular watering.

    After about an hour of taking photos, I was starting to drive up the hill to the highest house in the town. That’s when I saw a single wide trailer with the door open from afar.

    That was it, just a single-wide with the door open, but I got such a weird, unexplainable, instinctual feeling of danger that I just high-tailed it out of there to Berlin just next door.

    I never learned if someone was there in Ione; to this day it was just a weird feeling. But it was fucking weird.

      1 year ago

      There are some houses that just radiate this feeling of danger. When you look at them, you just want to get away as far as possible.

      There is a house I’ve seen in a neighbourhood that gave the same feeling as what you mentioned. All I saw was a house at the corner covered with surrounding trees in the garden, but with a single window in the middle of the house. It’s one of those post modernistic type houses.

      The window showed the staircase area with soft warm light. As it’s the yellow warm glow, it should give you that inviting feeling. But instead, it did the opposite for me. All I remember driving past that house is I want to get out of there as soon as possible.

      It’s so weird. All from a window. Just like the particular house you went pass.

    1 year ago

    I lived in an old apartment in 2002. The place was built in 1900, so it was just over 100 years old when I moved in. The living room and kitchen were fine, but the bathroom and bedroom we’re unnerving, like I just always felt like I was being watched, especially in the bedroom if the closet door was open. Those unnerving feelings just became moderately uncomfortable as I settled in. I felt safe in the bedroom, but only if the door was locked. One night I was dead asleep when there was a loud BANG on my bedroom door. When I got up the courage to get out of bed, I checked the apartment and all the windows were closed and locked from the inside, the door still had the chain secured, no one was in there. I mentioned the closet in the bedroom, I never liked going in there, and I never liked if the door was open. For some reason, in my head I would hear gasping noises. So for that reason, the closet stayed closed.

    A month or more after I was woken to the bang on my door, I was dead asleep. But something woke me up, and it was a pressure on me like being held down. It was pitch black in my room, I couldn’t see anything, but I knew some was standing over me. When I could finally turn on a bedside lamp no one was there. After then I couldn’t sleep in the dark, I had to sleep with a lamp on. That incident scared the life out of me. And after that the unnerving feeling of being watched intensified. Friends would come over, and comment about being uncomfortable in the bathroom like being watched. It became so uncomfortable for me, when I had the chance to move to another unit, I jumped at it. I packed up and got out.

    After me, several people rented the apartment, and they would move out within months. I became friendly with the building manager, and I told him that I felt the place was haunted. He kind of laughed it off.

    Years after, they were renovating the place, building manager was doing some painting in there, the building owner was there too. I went and checked out the apartment, and it looked nicer, it didn’t feel as creepy. I got to talking with the building owner, and through the course of conversation he just throws it out there that a former tenant committed suicide in the closet by hanging themselves. He also mentioned that the original designer of the building lived in that apartment, and died in there. I wasn’t mad when I heard that, but felt validated that what I experienced was real.

  • Stalinwolf
    1 year ago

    Grew up in a ranch house out in the country. It was always a little creepy, more notably at night, but sometime during my adolescent years it suddenly shifted into what I (and the rest of my family) would define as haunted. This seemed to coincide with marital problems between my parents and a general lack of getting along between much of anyone. There was a lot of strife within the household, and weirder and weirder shit began to happen over time. The following are just a few examples of many.

    Objects in the bathroom would reliably fall around the same time each night, whether it was shampoo bottles or the entire shower curtain.

    My brother and I were alone one day and heard knocking on a window. We went to inspect, and the knocking immediately moved to a different window on the opposite end of the house. This continued around the house for a time. The exterior was searched and nothing was found. Many of the windows being knocked on were surrounded by thick flower beds, and were not easily accessible from the ground.

    Sometimes you’d just be chilling alone at night and would become all at once overwhelmed with a presence that felt gigantic, almost as though a fucking bison just walked through the door. On one occasion, in my peripheral, I thought I saw a cougar coming down our short steps into the rec room. I turned and there was nothing. A moment later my parakeets, who were sleeping quietly beneath a sheet-covered cage, went absolutely berserk inside.

    We had a very old, muddy basement with a pump in it, and standing water maybe three feet high, accessible by a single hatch beneath the deck. My mom and I heard a dog crying down there one afternoon by way of the vents. It went on for an hour or so before my dad got home and went down there with his waders and a large flood light. There was absolutely nothing down there, above or below the water. As you could likely predict, the whimpering stopped and never happened again.

    After my dog died tragically, my bedroom (where it always slept) became perpetually cold until the day we officially moved out. My dad inspected the vents beneath it multiple times and never found anything amiss. Not a smoking gun, but weird nonetheless. I don’t recall whether this happened before or after the crying dog in the vent incident. Hopefully before.

    When we were in the process of moving, my friends and I snuck into the house one night to drink and party in my old bedroom. We came back the following night and found my bedroom door wouldn’t budge. We were able to get in through a window, and were horrified to discover all of the picture frames and other large objects being stored in that room had been piled up against the bedroom door from the inside.

    Fortunately, nothing particularly unsettling happened in the next house, nor any houses since. Last I had heard from a chance meeting with an old neighbor, one of the more recent occupants killed herself in her bedroom. I’m sure that helped.

    For years I had dreams about returning to that house, in this dark, unfurnished state. I would explore it reluctantly with this horrible feeling of repulsion and apprehension. Sometimes there’d be bizarre spirit cats dwelling within. Eventually I found myself dreaming about it again, and whatever was there before was just gone. I saw that it wasn’t frightening anymore and I haven’t recalled a single dream about it since.

      • Stalinwolf
        1 year ago

        Honestly got myself pretty spooked all over again and was feeling very reluctant to even go downstairs to get a drink.

    1 year ago

    man & girl go out to drive under moonlight. they stop at on at a side of road. he turn to his girl and say: “baby, i love you very much” “what is it honey?” “our car is broken down. i think the engine is broken, ill walk and get some more fuel.” “ok. ill stay here and look after our stereo. there have been news report of steres being stolen.” “good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what. i love you sweaty”

    so the guy left to get full for the car. after two hours the girl say “where is my baby, he was supposed to be back by now”. then the girl here a scratching sound and a voice say “LET ME IN”

    the girl doesn’t do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there. she gets out to check and man door hand hook car door.

    1 year ago

    I don’t have my own spooky story, I just wanna say if you enjoy them as much as I do you should check out Mr. Ballen on YouTube. His older videos are the best but he still puts out a new one every week.