…unless they also condemn the USA for invading Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.
Most European territories serve the USA’s geopolitical goals. Sanctions against Russia right now are part of that. There’s nothing moral about it. It’s simply a service to the USA for being in its sphere of influence. There is nothing, not a single shred of integrity in that.
If you find a territory which sanctions Russia for its crime, and also the USA for its crimes, you can recognise it as a real principled act.
There were 14.000 civilians killed in Donbass by the Kiev regime. As your quote says, “this is what is called a genocide”. And genocide often happens during wartime, so the fact that there was a civil war does not preclude a genocide at all.
So you admit that the chemical weapons claims were invented. Then why was no one punished for those false allegations which resulted in millions of deaths? Why wasnt the CIA dissolved, and reparations paid to the innocent Iraqi people? Is that what you call justice?
I did not state that the situation was fair in Iraq. In fact, I condemn the American invasions. So, I also condemn Russian invasion for the very same reasons.
To come back on the false allegation of Putin that there is a genocide.
I totally agree with you. However, this is not a genocide for two reasons: there is no will to destroy Ethnic Russians of Ukraine and 99.9% of the Ethnic Russians of Donetsk and Luhansk survived this so-called genocide.
I suppose your figures are true, which means 14.000 civilians of Ethnic Russians were killed by the Ukrainian regime. There are more than 6 millions people living living in Donetsk and Luhansk, around 40% are Russians. It means 0.1% of them were killed. To compare, between 60 and 75% of Armenian were killed during the genocide in the first world war, depending of estimations.
Don’t get me wrong: It is a tragedy but it is no genocide.
This war will kill thousands of Ukrainians and Russians for no justifiable reason. Trying to justify it because “NATO imperialism” is just nationalism. I don’t think leftists should accept and repeat such propaganda.
There were only 5% Nazis in Germany’s military back then. Surely 5% cannot do anything, right? They say, there are lies, damn lies and statistics.