I made a post on r/ukulele where I seek help finding vegan friendly ukuleles. Instant-down-vote because of the V-word hindering it being discovered by those interested. It’s not offensive, I specifically ask to keep discussions on veganism out of it and I stayed polite about the topic - I think? Mind you this is not the worst case of instant-down-vote of non-controversial or non-offensive honest posts on Reddit. It’s the hive-mind-tribe thing of Reddit doing it’s thing as usual.

What if down votes had reduced “power” or impact/value. Up-votes are a full point and down-votes are .5 or .75 of a point in order to prevent instant-reptile-brain-knee-jerk down-voting because of a small difference in opinion or world view. So that there have to be two people down-voting for one integer point to count.

What do you folks think?

  • DefNotPizza@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I always hide votes and on lemmy you can do that in the native settings instead of using uBlock to filter the CSS. Also with mobile app (from Fdroid) you can hide votes easily.

    I recommend to hide votes in every social/forum, if you can’t do it natively as lemmy uBlock will do that.