In a new poll, nearly half of Canadians say they support the notwithstanding clause to ensure that schools tell parents if their child wishes to use a different name or pronoun.

    • JohnnyCanuck
      1 year ago

      What? I didn’t say any of that. I didn’t say anything about child protection. I was just saying what the poll asked and what people responded. I’m not saying anything about it or implying anything about child protection. I’m giving information directly from the article.

      To be clear:

      OP asked if people “support outing children to abusive parents when doing so might endanger the child.”

      The poll asked if the teacher should have to inform the parents of a child’s wishes even if the child says they don’t feel safe telling their parents.

      According to the article, just under half of respondents said yes, the teacher should have to notify parents even if the child doesn’t feel safe doing so.

        1 year ago

        That’s not quite the same thing.

        My question is this; how many people would support outing a child if they knew, with absolute certainly, that doing so would cause the child harm.

        Phrasing the question around the child’s feeling of safety allows people to dismiss it as a non-issue, because they simply do not trust children to evaluate threats accurately.

        But when it comes down to it, very few people would willingly subject a child to harm in the name of “parents rights.” Not if they knew with absolute certainty that such harm would occur. And that’s why I think this hypothetical is important. In reality you would almost never know, with absolute certainty, that a child would be in danger. But what this question establishes is that, fundamentally, the child’s right to safety overrules the parent’s so-called “right” to surveil their children.

        Having established that, the rest comes down to the simple fact that an educator is not in a position to properly and fully assess whether a child would be at risk from that information being shared. Lacking that knowledge, they should err on the side of safety, which means trusting the child to make the decision. Information can always be shared, but it can never be unshared.

        • JohnnyCanuck
          1 year ago

          I can agree that it’s not exactly the same thing. But I think the implication of the question and answer are what you’re looking for, and the direct question would skew the results because most people wouldn’t admit they support abuse outright.

        • JohnnyCanuck
          1 year ago

          Again, I’m not saying anything about those services or anything about what the teacher will actually do. I’m only talking about the question and the answer. If you disagree with how I’m reading the question or interpreting the answer, that’s one thing, but stop reading into (or putting into) anything I’m saying to be about the effectiveness of child protective services or the morality of teachers.

            • JohnnyCanuck
              1 year ago

              They have no reason to be concerned about a parent inflicting harm based on revealing name information because they understand that the child raising concern about their safety around the parents will also trigger additional supports to address that issue.

              This is where I disagree. Your entire premise that what I’m pointing out implies something else is based on a fallacy.

              Frankly, you’re giving people way more credit for how deep they would be thinking about the implications of their answer.

              Just because you answered yes because you thought this was the case, doesn’t mean everyone, or even most people would think that.

              And, if you desperately want my opinion on what you’re arguing… I think it’s disgusting to answer yes to that question thinking that it doesn’t matter because the system will protect the children. You’re giving the system too much credit, and while most might, not every teacher or school official will be on the student’s side.