So i have a bunch of pc’s/laptops/computers and such that my family members refuse to depart with even though there really bad. so far they mangae to keep 4 bulky computers in total, we do have some new-ish ones but theses ones im talking about need some loving.1 computer is 32 bit and has 2gb of ram, the other 3 have 64-bit and range from 1gb of ram- to 2 and one of which has only 75 space hardrive.

are there any linux distros that might work becasue im a noob who uses windows so im very lost. any tips or suggestions or something would be great.

also if im posting in the wrong plac eplease let me know in the comments.

    2 years ago

    I have experience with low end devices, since I’m a broke Brazilian (currently using a device with 2gb ram as my daily driver), and these are my suggestions:

    You face 2 problems, low end hardware and low tech users, so going deep into very lightweight distros will affect usability. I find mxlinux to be a good middle ground of optimized for low end hardware and easy to use. This step is important, because you don’t want people calling you all the time for help

    Now, I suggest running the 32bit of mxlinux on all computers with less than 4gb of ram, because it makes a LOT of difference, from a machine unable to browse the internet, to a machine that works nicely. Even if you use the 64 bit version, enabling multi arch and running at least the 32bit browser makes a huge difference.

    And another important thing is to use the same distro and gui on all devices, because it helps them and allows them to help each other, instead of calling you all the time. Helps with maintenance too.