A better option to treating the opioid crisis is to help those in need now … rather than waiting to see how their suffering will affect them and society as a whole.

The costs are always the same … either be a conservative and villainize these people and let them become a burden on society and costs go towards police, security, emergency health care, judicial and negative social effects from their destroyed lives

… or …

Be more socially minded and spend the funds on helping these people now and prevent them from spiralling out of control and negatively affecting their lives further or the lives of others.

  • juusukun
    2 years ago

    I’m also concerned with the reports, or that one documentary by that conservative dude who’s got some incredibly distasteful opinions on other things so no one would even give the video a watch.

    Some people getting a “safe supply” of up to 40 “dollies” per day, and then they’d just go and sell those to get the hard stuff. With the dollies even finding their way into public schools.

    It’s a good idea, but it shouldn’t be a long term solution, it should be for weening people off and giving them safe places to use. It needs to be paired with giving a shit all across the board, getting these people into good housing, social services, jobs if possible.