I tried to find videos on these Reflectacles but only came across this one, I’ve been wanting a pair but do you guys think their worth it for the 64-164 dollar price tag. How much will they actually help.

    22 years ago

    If camera quality is good enough you even see reflections on your eyes without any glasses. Such things are cash-gabs to fool people buying some crap under the name of privacy. Nothing to see here.

    You are not CIA and you do not need it, you are absolute no target. If you film or stream yourself and have a fear that someone finds out what weeb stuff is on your monitor, it would be better stop filming yourself or just create another virtual desktop for such purposes to minimize risk of exposure.

    If you walk into a bank when its dark outside and you wear such fake glasses everyone will suspect you even more and maybe even ask you why you wear it because they look so cheap that everyone instantly knows you are up to something.

    You do nothing here to protect your privacy with such things.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    I don’t understand how they’re supposed to protect your privacy. At first I though it was to see certain screen if you wear them but no.

    Is it just because they’d reflect the flash of a camera? Unless you’re famous I don’t see how that’s really useful. We still see through when the flash is turned on.

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    Isn’t it supposed to block IR or something to block facial recognition? Because just making them reflecting light will just make you more “fashion” imo

  • @[email protected]
    02 years ago

    I saw a vid of someone trying number plates that were coated in the same material to stop speed cameras from reading your plates. They figured out that everything was perfectly readable on the photos if you just turn down brightness, so I think they just don’t work as intended.

  • @[email protected]
    02 years ago

    These glasses will draw 100x more attention to you than if you didn’t wear them or you just wore normal eyeglasses.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      I think these glasses would be more for unwanted photos in clubs but their website seems to have more ‘normal’ looking glasses

  • @[email protected]M
    -32 years ago

    Their normal IR glasses are actually helpful. I have tried to look into DIYing those a year or two ago. These flashlight ones, however, are like putting a “kick me” paper sticker on your face.