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Some more details via a job opening here.

Builds on top of a standard GNU/Linux and utilized the Godot engine like the regular Simula desktop version.

Sounds super cool, I wonder what kind of portable hardware they are planning to use. My guess would be a belt-attached embedded AMD APU for best driver support.

  • @[email protected]
    23 years ago

    wow that looks so cool. Not totally convinced that the increased screen estate will be worth wearing the headset

    • poVoqOP
      3 years ago

      Together with good AI based hand-tracking and haptic wrist bands it would give you a lot of flexibility. Basically any surface will become an work-desk.

      I think this has a lot of potential for freelancers as it gives you a quite portable and mostly distraction free work environment more or less anywhere you want. For example any hotel room on the go can be a quite convenient work environment, which a regular laptop definitely can’t provide.