Hours after the operators of the province’s power grid warned that new federal electricity regulations could lead to blackouts, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said her government is preparing for the possibility of enacting her signature legislation in an effort to push back against Ottawa’s planned emissions reductions.

“We’re preparing a Sovereignty Act motion, and I’m hoping we don’t have to use it. That’s why we’re at the table having these negotiations,” Smith said, referring to a recently formed Alberta-Ottawa working group focused on emissions reductions.

“But we are going to defend our constitutional jurisdiction to make sure that we develop our oil and gas industry at our own pace, and that we develop our electricity system so that it achieves the goal of reliability and affordability.”

When asked at what point she would potentially invoke the act, Smith said she has continually said she would do so if Ottawa “comes through with emissions caps that are unconstitutional.”

  • Phil_in_here
    1 year ago

    But we have a valuable natural resource that will only ever increase in value, can’t be found elsewhere, and will literally never run out that was given to us - the chosen people - by God!

    It’s our right to claim sovereignty against a country that has never done anything to help us along the way! Never built us a railroad, or a highway, nothing! We don’t need their ports or other resources! We can do everything we need right here! It doesn’t matter that we’ve only ever done one thing, that doesn’t make us whiny, insolent children threatening to run away from home because we’ve been treated like literal slaves doing chores!