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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m just surprised there isn’t a shadow industry of selling blood products fed on people altruistically donating for free (like, as far as I can tell, every country with public healthcare does) with corrupt pseudo-legal marketing ensuring that blood products are not sold for profit (because they sell the bag, not the blood, or they sell the service of delivering blood, or some bullshit like that)

  • Fun fact! My coworker pays more in rent for his apartment than I do on the mortgage of my house. Most often this is true.

    I’m getting a once over by the bank, he’s getting done once over by the bank and again by his landlord, and they might not ever be different.

    So how is an immigrant supposed to thrive when a foreign investment firm is profiting off them twice?

    Subsidize affordable housing, tax wholesale & foreign landlords out of existence. It’s simple.

  • You’re right. Why would I want a public entity to keep any extra money in the country when I could pay a private mego corporation to funnel it off shore?

    Why would I want to fund a public entity to keep publicly available records when I could pay a private company to deny my $1200 claim and boast $104 billion profit?

    Is it the choice I get to make between 3 companies that all run the same statistical algorithm for risk assessment and collectively agree to have the same pricing? That’s so much better than having a government beholden to it’s voters and public option control it, right?

  • On the one hand, yeah, fuck Amazon.

    On the other hand, how much money are we talking? If Amazon paid you a weeks wages for a days work, would you let your principles tell you to tell them to fuck off?

    I mean, a lot of people would, sure. But a lot of people wouldn’t. And I’m not sure refusing their cash and denying them your particular brand of entertainment is the spit in the face you think it would be.

  • It’s really sad to see how well the right is brainwashing a new generation of adolescents.

    It’s a classic tactic to illustrate how people with less can survive. Living and being alive aren’t synonymous. Living paycheck to paycheck is capitalist extortion: work or die. So claiming you’re 20% above someone literally being threatened isn’t the freedom you think it is.

    A union doesn’t “magically” earn you more money. They are most effective at advocating for the lowest earners against the most egregiously overpaid upper management: the extortioners who take home hundreds if not thousands of times the wages of the people they extort.

    If the money simply wasn’t available, so be it. Enduring a famine from bad weather is one thing, enduring a famine because the regency holds 98% of your crop in a vault is another.

    I don’t know the exact meaning of you 10 week runway statement, but I bet it’s some alphamale bullshit about needing only 10 weeks to successfully launch your highly successful business. The majority of startup businesses fail, and do you know who is responsible for a lot of it? Big corpos throwing their dicks around. Dropping prices in your local area until you bleed dry, then surging the price again to absorb the loss. Opening a mega-store to eat up market share until you can’t pay rent, then closing down and moving out of city limits to avoid municipal taxes. Hell, just owning the company that owns the company that owns the company that owns the damn building you rent and driving to costs up to drive you out.

    And lastly — and I am now realizing you may be a foreign nationalist with only a romanticized idea of America — no one is ordering credit cards online randomly. Like, its not even a thing you really can do. You might as well be accusing people of buying too many MacDonalds and Coca-Colas.

  • Private insurance should only exist for things that are both a) completely optional, and b) not inevitable (so… evitable?).

    Auto insurance? Well, if it’s the law to have it, why is a private company involved whose sole model is to collect money and deny payments?

    Health insurance? Well, it’s optional, but you will absolutely need to pay for Healthcare at some point (or you die early). Why, again, should we put an institution in charge whose sole purpose is to make the average person pay more than they get out of it?

    Famous athlete leg insurance? High value possession insurance? Have at it, private insurance.

  • The trouble with never voting for a 3rd party is that you enable the 2 party system, which fundamentally promotes tribalism, division, and corruption.

    Whats worse is that it snowballs and is completely out of control. There was a time when I would say that it’s worth voting for a candidate that will never get elected to sway future policy, but although it’s always felt like the other guy I’d going to ruin everything, it’s truer now than it has ever been. And it won’t stop at Trump. Trump could be dead, some equally craven ghoul would take his place. That ship will never turn, it will only pull away from the Democrats. Nothing can ever progress. There is only the fight.

    America is a cautionary tale.

    If your country is lucky enough to have 3 or more major political forces, keep that alive.