• Hopskocz@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Dunno. Java was one of the first languages that fit my mindset. Delved in that for over 8 years to the point I feel comfortable defining anything in it, proves nothing just my dedication. I fully embraced the OO philosophy. :D I like the diverse land of programming. It’s always moving and mutating. I hate stagnation. :D

      • help is on the way@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Maybe not my favourite, but it’s also true I haven’t found my favourite language yet.
        I mean, I recently had to do a c++ project for an assignment and all that const fuzz was off-putting. Couldn’t they use a different keyword instead of puttin const in trhee distinct places in the header?
        I get that maybe they wanted to still use terminologies similar to ol’ plain C, but still, not cool.

        Strangely enough, I’m in the middle of a craving for shell scripting and so long I’ve been enjoying more than before putting together utility scripts.

        • Hopskocz@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Hehe. You’ll find it one day. I am still in the phase of searching and I think I’ll never find it. Java is great as it feels great to me but I am not satisfied completely, I have Commodore Amiga background so having control (somewhat) over hardware feels right. So right now I am trying to understand Rust ecosystem. It’s weird to me but maybe I’ll find my next big thing in the process. :D

          • help is on the way@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            I wish I had some of that jazz in my hands! I’m too young for having played with an amiga.
            To be honest I have a commodore 64 which is lacking only the tv adapter. Once I find it, I might be able to at least play with some DOS in its natural environment.

            Even better, assembly. I find it more entertaining when it’s not making things too complicated.

            As of now, I’m also learning python since a class requires it, and it’s really cute, I might say.
            Feels polished and forces people to at least write code with a readable indentation.

            • Hopskocz@lemmy.ml
              3 years ago

              Hehe. I was always kinda late when it was in terms of technology when I lived with my parents. First time I laid hands on a computer was I think in 2000-2001 and it was Amiga. I had no understanding of english language but the computer itself burned itself into my mind as the most amazing thing that ever existed. I still remember being completely traumatized by leaving the companion in Anothers World in the tower (yeah I was a child and I even lied to my parents that I was scared of the leaches on the first level than to leaving my “friend”). Then I found out the amazing disk 2 of Amiga Workbench, damn, there were some programs of Amiga Basic stored there and those could paint rainbows on your monitor. That was magical. Nowadays it feels like shit but I really treasure that moment. Nowadays technology is a bit faster but getting hooked on still is as toxic as it was then. You just can’t stop researching it, except resources are much more available. :D

              • help is on the way@lemmy.ml
                3 years ago

                wow, it always feels magical and more closer than it has ever been when I read memories like yours!

                I got my first computer in 2005, an AMD duron with xp onboard. The case was painted red, yellow and blue like it was made out of lego bricks.

                Living in an apartment in the middle of nowhere, with no public playgrounds I could reach on my own, gave me a lot of time to sit and play:

                • Topolino magico artista (disney magick artist), one of the most entertaining drawing programs ever created in my opinion. It felt like painting a cartoon in a cartoon. The poor epson printer in my father’s office had to endure printing my horrible sketches for at least two years before it died.
                • Mickey Mouse kindergarten was an absolute blast. Between this game and a demostration from a musician when I was in kindergarten (funnily enough), I’m still not sure whom of the two (if not both) had me love the sax from then on.
                  That game was jazz in every possible sense!

                Last but not least, there was this game which gifted me a rather unpleasant sense of ‘uneasyness’ when walking near tall plants for a while. It was a platformer under the sea, filled with these plants that would try their best to eat the turtle (player sprite). The bite animation left a scar on my kid’s ass for some bizarre reason.

                Later on I was gifter a gameboy advanced which I still use to this day, the only game ever played on it being pokemon leaf green.

                Fast forward some years and I’m submerged in IT studies and small-projects.
                Not that at this point it’s a surprise, to be honest xD