• Rentlar
    11 year ago

    This article makes a handful of good points, as I do think university research should be shielded from government influence and politics, but most of this article speaks like a pro-China propaganda piece.

    The issue is that the CCP has outsize influence on that country’s companies than a typical government, even if they aren’t state-owned, and the state has been known to put pressure on US and Canadian politics through those kinds of apps and technologies.

    So yes, the US government, the Canadian government, Big Tech like Google, Apple, Amazon spy on us already and siphon plenty of data, but that shouldn’t be a reason we allow any and all countries equal access to our private data.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      -11 year ago

      The only country that has outsized influence on Canada is US, and nothing China or any other country does even comes close to that. The fact that Canadian government is focusing on influence from China as opposed to US shows that it doesn’t actually care about foreign influence, and this is just political theatre. The fact that you think that CPC has outsized influence on Canada shows that you’re a victim of propaganda yourself.