The race to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein increasingly looks like it’s going to be a SoCal showdown.
The two leading Democrats in the race — Reps. Adam Schiff and Katie Porter. Schiff currently leads the way with 20 percent support, the poll found, and Porter close behind at 17 percent.
Schiff, who hails from Burbank, is a regular on the political talk show circuit and one of the most prominent politicians in the nation. He has flourished in his role as the party’s attack dog against former President Donald Trump. Around two-thirds of voters polled said they hold an opinion on Schiff, and he’s tapped into that name recognition to build a war chest of $29.8 million for the Senate race, as of figures released in July — including a staggering $8.3 million haul in the second quarter.
Porter, a rising star in the party who’s held onto a competitive Orange County district, raised $3.2 million in the second quarter, and received largely favorable reviews from the 57 percent of voters who offered an opinion on her.
Either one is a win for the US, they’re both great.
That’s the kind of choices I wish I had on my ballot. Two good choices versus “bad and worse” or “equally awful”.
It sounds like you’re voting sensibly in a Red area, so I say you’re helping the country!
Exactly. Just be one of those people who’s “concerned” about all the anti-abortion laws. Republicans are really hurting from all their rejections in solid red states.
Schiff was Pelosi’s pick to become speaker. Porter was part of Elizabeth Warren’s staff. May the best person win.
Elizabeth is a 🐍 and wouldn’t be associated with her if I was Porter.
Clown post of the day. Warren was a prosecutor and would eat you for lunch.
Katie Porter is awesome and we need 1000 more like her.
If there were an election between Feinstein and Hitler’s charred remains, I’d vote for Hitler’s charred remains because at least they wouldn’t blame youth culture for their own inaction.
I’ve heard Porter on Pod Save America a few times, she’s great. Really witty and sharp. Any state would be lucky to have her for a senator.
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Adam Schiffs got my vote, Katie Porter threw her support behind Nina Turner in the OH11. Nina Turner went to war with the entire Democratic Party to win that House seat, and then when she lost, blamed Jewish money. These are the sort of things I remember when supporting candidates, and I’ll never forget Porter endorsed her over Shontel Brown (who won, then won again in the next election over Turner too, lol). I’ll vote for Porter over a Republican, but any Democrat that runs against her gets my vote.
Oh yeah I forgot about the whole Nina Turner thing (and Nina Turner).
I’ve always like Schiff from what I’ve seen on TV etc, especially around the trump impeachments.
However a couple of months ago when Threads was a thing (maybe still is? Idk) he was one of the few people I followed for the week I checked it, and he did a TON of brown-nosing to Israel that I found very off putting.
Came back with a couple Screenshots
This was the one that got me the most, posting about how Israel is the only Democracy in the ME and not a racist state, then like two days later trying to score points by posting a memorial to Nelson Mandela.
I don’t necessarily believe that supporting Israel makes you a bad person , but there’s some messed up mental gymnastics going on here. If you know enough about Nelson Mandela to make the second post, you know what apartheid looks like and you’d have to be willfully ignorant to look at Israel today and not see the similarities.
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Guilt by association,much?