EDIT: no, I don’t sympathize with nazis (neither I sympathize with those who call everyone nazi when they’re losing an argument ;)

  • mrpants@midwest.social
    1 year ago

    You ever convert a Nazi with words? You certainly haven’t convinced me that a Nazi puncher and a Nazi are the same.

    • phoenixz
      1 year ago

      Nazi’s don’t exist. They haven’t existed for about 80 years now. What do exist are people with varying degrees of being a racist cunt.

      Yu can either piss them off and push them deeper or talk with them and pull them out. Even if you only pull them up a little, it’s an improvement

      These people are still going to be here. You punch them, what does it solve? Tomorrow he or she is still out there, probably even more angry and convinced they’re right.

      I know that reasoning is much, much harder to do but it’s also much more rewarding.

      Also, just don’t be a dick. If you punch someone simply for saying that he likes what Nazi’s did you’re literally the wrong one. He’s using stupid words, you’re being violent. Any judge will throw your ass in jail, not the wannabe Nazi, and he’d be right.

      Again, we still need to love with these people. They’re still in your streets, in our stores, in our bars, in our schools. Do you want to push them further and further until they break, or do you want them to understand and learn and get better?

      • Risking to fall for a troll here… Nazis very much exist. There might be the term neonazis to distinguish them, but lets face it. The neonazis are identical in their ideology, political means (threats, violence, murder), demeanor and even in appeal they try to be as close to the original as possible.


        For the second part. Do you think a Nazi will discuss openly with you? No they would murder you in place, if you dont follow their ideology, or heck even if they just think you looked at them funny. Giving them space in public and letting them influence public space is affirming their positions and supporting their means to influence society. That is where the “punch a Nazi” is coming from. They need to be denied public space and public power. That is also where some realise they are not in the right, because the public is not agreeing with them and not secretly supporting them, which is a cornerstone of their belief system.

        • Muehe@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

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          Demonstration of Neonazi party "The Third Way" in Germany

        • phoenixz
          1 year ago

          Not a troll, and thank you for your comment.

          Let me try to clarify a few of my points.

          First off, what is the point? What is it that you’re trying to do with assault? And it IS assault and battery if you “punch a Nazi”. I’m obviously not talking about self defense after you were attacked, I’m talking about you taking initiative. What is your goal? Revenge? Killing him? Getting rid of the enemy?

          Then I have a problem with “punch a Nazi” because I’m against violence unless there is no other choice. You either defend yourself against direct and literal violence or you don’t use violence.

          Then I have a problem with punch a Nazi because way too many people say that, and in the same breath will continue with calling you a Nazi because you disagree with them. People like that are just as scary as those that literally would want to be a Nazi.

          Then there is the Nazi thing. Just like there are no samurai and Roman legionaries anymore, there aren’t any Nazi’s anymore. There are neo-Nazi’s, wannabees, but Nazi’s don’t exist anymore. Words matter.

          Then there is the thing that these neo-Nazi groups, like all similar groups, have a few scary leaders and mostly disillusioned followers. These are mostly people that are angry or disillusioned with whatever and many times are one or two conversations away from “seeing light”. They may say a lot of shit but really aren’t that deep in there. Punching them might actually work counter productive and just push them further down a bad path.

          Then finally there is the point that if we want to live in a just society, that we need to use the justice system, not a vigilante system. Again, if you’re playing judge jury and executioner yourself then you’re possibly worse than them.

          Then finally there is the point that if you “punch a Nazi” YOU are committing assault and battery, not “the Nazi” and a judge and jury of your peers will toss your sorry ass on jail, not “the Nazi”. You would put you as the bad guy, making a neo nazi the good guy. Don’t make neonnazis the good guy.

          So no, I’m not trolling here, I’m dead serious. “Punch a Nazi” is a bad thing for a long list of reasons, just don’t do it.

          No they would murder you in place, if you dont follow their ideology, or heck even if they just think you looked at them funny.

          I think you have a rather warped image of reality. Sure, there are a few very disturbing types out there, but they don’t need neonnazis idioligy to murder you. Most neo-Nazi’s are a lot of bark, very little bite. They’re guys who also have families at home who (kinda like you) have a warped sense of reality and they’d be much more helped with a dose of reality and reason than violence…