The US has blocked Canadian access to a library straddling the Canada-US border, drawing criticism from a Quebec town where people have long enjoyed easy entry to the space.

The Haskell Free Library and Opera House is located between Stanstead, Quebec, and Derby Line, Vermont. It was built deliberately to straddle the frontier between the two countries – a symbol of cooperation and friendship between Canada and the US.

The library’s entrance is on the Vermont side. Previously, Canadian visitors were able to enter using the sidewalk and entrance on the American side but were encouraged to bring documentation, according to the library’s website.

Inside, a line of electrical tape demarcates the international boundary. About 60% of the building, including the books, is located in Canada. Upstairs, in the opera house, the audience sits in the US while the performers are in Canada.


  • acargitz
    2 days ago

    US officials claim move was to curb drug trafficking.

    Ah, the famous Quebec-Vermont drug corridor.

    These guys are just a couple of steps away from “it has electrolytes, it’s what the plants crave”.

    At this point I feel bad for Vermonters.

      • NotSteve_
        1 day ago

        Drug smuggling but more importantly, gun smuggling…

        Nearly all our illegally used guns are from the states. I think we need some sort of border wall