Oh, that’ll really help.
Somewhere in DC, there’s a speedbump that they should name after Biden.
Fark off. We’re not giving you guys a goddamn thing. You are WAY too comfortable with doing nothing and compromising with 100% concentrated evil. I’ll be voting for candidates who were born AFTER the Battle of the Bulge.
The guy that appointed Republican Merrick Garland to AG can fuck right off forever
Why has the left been floundering for the past dozen years? It doesn’t feel like the common man has anyone to represent us.
Take your pick/all:
$$$/ lobbyists/ citizen united/ Dems deepthroating Corpo influence/ dinosaur leaders pruning any progressive candidates
it’s not Biden.
It’s the party.
it needs a culling. absolute decimation. vote nearly all of them out. you know the very few that should stay. erase the rest from history.
dude if a republican unwittingly says something that doesn’t call for death of trans people they’ll be immediately ousted. democrats out here capitulating to nazis. be a little republican. get them out.
If voting worked they would abolish voting. Both parties have the same masters.
Keep setting Tesla dealerships on fire, the only things capitalists respond to are forced devaluation events
They are trying to abolish voting, see voter suppression laws and pretty much every voting rights case the Supreme Court has seen during Roberts’s tenure.
Just retire already. I still regret my vote for him.
You’re getting downvoted but your comment prompts a thought. Would trump 2020 be as dangerous as 2024 trump? The time spent planning and organizing on their part has led to an extremely quick response in destroying this country compared to what happened in his 1st term
I’ve been saying this and it’s an unpopular opinion… it honestly would have been better if Trump had just won in 2020.
Yes, COVID would have continued to be a disaster but we wouldn’t have the J6 experience, he would still have a few of the old guard people keeping him in check, and he wouldn’t have Elon Musk on board with him.
Most importantly: he would be blamed for the post-COVID shit that was his fault, rather than Biden taking the heat for not fixing the disaster Trump left him. The selective amnesia that settled over half the population from 2021-2024 would not have happened.
And we would be fucking done with Trump by now. My god, imagine that. He flies away on Jan 20, 2025 and we never have to hear from him ever again. Wouldn’t that be heaven?
If Democrats were the opposition party during the genocide you wouldn’t get online liberals justifying it and ridiculing anyone opposed to it. The Democrats would have probably won in 2024 too.
Yea thank allah we got trump in there now. He will find a place for the palestinians. Somewhere near Trump hotel. They will be the foundation of his Christian Empire in the middle east. Inshallah.
At least you’re honest about what you stand for.
two weeks ago i tried searching to figure out where the fuck Biden had gone. couldn’t find a thing besides the talent agency he’d signed with
He’s like 80yo. Let him be
What a weird coincidence that, just as AOC and Bernie begin a wildly successful tour of the country, we start hearing about the Biden’s wanting to help lead the party or Kamala being the the top choice for 2028.
May as well get ready for president Ivanka Trump in 2028. The DNC is its own worst enemy.
Like how suddenly all the milquetoast candidates capitulated to Biden just before Super Tuesday when Bernie was winning states.
Always weird how they use dirty tactics for the left but never the fascists…
Or how they delayed announcing a winner in Iowa, rigged at least one delegate coin flip, and eventually anointed Buttigieg the winner even though Bernie received more votes.
Fuck off and get back to bed, Joe
I suppose he had to offer, it was his support of Israel murdering Palestinian women and children that lost Harris the election, but I think it’s best for Joe to have a quiet retirement.
Maybe, in time, we’ll remember him fondly as Obama’s VP.
I really want to get into this opinion. You really believe the 2024 election broke to republicans favor over Palestine? If you are one of the voters that advocated for not voting, are you happy with the result? Is palestine now better off due to trump?
I’m not American. Palestine wasn’t the only reason, but it certainly lost Harris the Arab vote and Trump only just scraped through.
Fuck around and fuck off geezer
It honestly feels like the Democratic Party is doing everything they can to lose.
Daily reminder of our planned strike. Together we’ll show them all our strength. Sign your strike card today!
I read through that whole thing. What is the demand? It’s just general hate against the trump administration? I’m all in favor but unless the strike has specific legal actionable demands what is the point? Even under the “demands” section of their FAQ it lists a bunch of vague “good” things that they want (all of which I’m in favor of) but says it won’t get into specifics until later.
You do the strike, it panics the ruling class, and then what? There’s nothing they’ve been informed of that they can do. No line that tells them “you can put an end to this if you do XYZ”. Nothing to tell the people whether the strike succeeded or failed. What will that get? A bunch of people who conclude that the strike didn’t work and they need food so they go back to their jobs. Next time the strike comes around, even if it has demands this time, the obvious thought is that it didn’t work last time so why would it work this time and distrust in the people and political ideology that started this strike in the first place.
In my opinion, a movement like this is defined exclusively by their policies and demands. Without those it’s just people throwing a tantrum.
Their documents specify that they will have meetings with their sign ups to finalize the list of demands.
So join the discord and join their meetings and ask away.
Its just some tankie astroturfers celebrating the fall of the entire USA and all its people.
I understand that they probably don’t want to lock themselves into a timetable, but arranging a general strike without a date chosen seems like it is an uphill battle at best.
They have a timeline they want to work with.
0-6M signatures is just organizing/coalition building and figuring out skillsets.
6-10M signatures create demands and plan events, work on strike dates, keep organizing, more outreach.
11M signatures strike on the chosen day, mutual aid networks work to support strikers, educate new strikers and volunteers.
I already quit my job because the manager was shit :/
Remove the dinosaurs. Where are the strong confident aggressive lefties at? We need more Bernies!
Assassinated or in fear of being assassinated since the fbi, the organization explicitly built to assassinate communists, is still around.
I can see why you’re confusing the two, but the USA is not Russia.
Tell that to Fred hampton.
Not a lot of good outcomes from joining the Black Panthers, tbh. They even killed their own accountant on at least one occasion.
A lot of people consider his death an assassination in part of the COINTELPRO operations between 1958 to 1971 at the height of the USA and USSR cold war, but it’s worth stating that the escalation to violence was due to one of the present BPP members firing a round while authorities had the apartment surrounded.
Do you have any examples that aren’t over half a century ago?
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Being against a specific militant group doesn’t make you a white supremacist. It doesn’t even make you white.
Give it 6 more months of Trump and Russia will look like a paradise compared the the US.
You’re accusing a dead US Attorney General (cause of death unkown), who prosecuted Russian Mafia, of being a communist killed by the state?
Could it be, I don’t know, maybe the Russian Mafia?
The Russian mafia and the Trump administration are indistinguishable.
How old is Bernie now?
I have constantly thought this but I think we can see by his behavior he is not as addled as the other elderly. I wouldn’t mind shifting to AOC. She’s an actual representative of the country.
Since day 1, in his 20s, he has been ahead of his time. Dinosaur means people who think the status quo in politics is gonna work. It won’t. Bernie is anything but a status quo guy.
He’s timeless.
Fuck. Off. Grandpa.