To add to the other comments, search for Professor Dave Explains + Sabine. He can be a little much in those type of videos and I wish he’d tone it down a little. But he does a lot of educational content that would usually be paywalled so I guess he’s entitled to a little ranting once in a while.
A common theme I have seen with her is reporting about a new paper about an older hypothesis. Then saying stuff like “this has been known since 2007, and still [field]-scientists are ignoring it, why?” But when you watch a scientist’s video who actually is from that field they will also mention the older papers and go on to list a myriad of reasons why it hasn’t been accepted yet.
She goes out to talk about topics she’s not well versed in without doing enough research and says outright wrong stuff. In general, scientists who specialize in a field are often no better than a layman in the fields they have no background in. She’s not the only one who does this. Some scientists merely share uninformed opinions. Others do it for money. They build a persona that is imbued with trust by their existing expertise then they use this trust to keep pumping out other material for profit. That’s Sabine. Also Jordan Peterson. No they’re not the same but the scheme is. Laymen don’t know any better and absorb the material, correct or incorrect, since they don’t have the background to recognize when it’s bullshit.
Care to elaborate on your opinion about Sabine?
To add to the other comments, search for Professor Dave Explains + Sabine. He can be a little much in those type of videos and I wish he’d tone it down a little. But he does a lot of educational content that would usually be paywalled so I guess he’s entitled to a little ranting once in a while.
A common theme I have seen with her is reporting about a new paper about an older hypothesis. Then saying stuff like “this has been known since 2007, and still [field]-scientists are ignoring it, why?” But when you watch a scientist’s video who actually is from that field they will also mention the older papers and go on to list a myriad of reasons why it hasn’t been accepted yet.
She goes out to talk about topics she’s not well versed in without doing enough research and says outright wrong stuff. In general, scientists who specialize in a field are often no better than a layman in the fields they have no background in. She’s not the only one who does this. Some scientists merely share uninformed opinions. Others do it for money. They build a persona that is imbued with trust by their existing expertise then they use this trust to keep pumping out other material for profit. That’s Sabine. Also Jordan Peterson. No they’re not the same but the scheme is. Laymen don’t know any better and absorb the material, correct or incorrect, since they don’t have the background to recognize when it’s bullshit.