Nvidia: It’s the user’s fault! It’s the software! It’s the OEMs! It’s the adapters! It’s the power supplies! It’s the electricity company! It’s the weather! It’s the phase of the moon! Blame everyone but ourselves!
This is what happens when you reach 1Tn valuation and your talent pool retires at 45-55y old. The schadenfreude is immensely sweet. Sadly, their MO of dropping crums and have the public pay for their SW R&D via universities is still quite functional and bearing fruit at the detriment of open source solutions.
You mean the NVidia adapter? Is that 3rd-party now too, dear NVidia-suckers?
Bro… Buy hardware since covid has been shite…
I am using what I got until it breaks. Spend my life constantly generating e waste to fund these parasite.
Disgusting consumerism
What do you expect from running 10 and more amperes through a cord?
What do you expect from running 10 and more amperes through a cord?
Well , I expect enough engineering behind it that the cord and connections don’t melt. I am an auto electrician, I routinely deal with 12v systems that draw much more than that without melting, using connections that aren’t much bigger. It’s not like it’s some mystical technology, it’s just that this setup has been done on a budget.
But it doesn’t help that every single logic gate in a graphics card is run at a speed/currents that are literally just below meltdown.