• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The mature thing to do would be to tell them something like “I can see that you’re trying and I appreciate that, but I don’t know if I can like or respect you after what you did to my mom and my family. I’ll let you know if that changes but I’m not ready to have you mother me, I can and will cook my own dinner for the foreseeable future.” however be advised this could cause more hurt and lead to escalation because some people can’t handle rejection even when it’s honest and will either desperately seek approval anyway or reject you back. Given what you said about her age she may not even be emotionally mature herself.

    Also you’re under no obligation to be mature about it. You’re allowed to be an asshole if you want. Cheaters and homewreckers and broken family creators are some of the worst things in the world to me. As someone who was raised in a broken home I really have little sympathy for the people who don’t understand that having children is a commitment, not just personally but to their whole relationship. They’re not just possessions you get custody of and get to drag around on your own personal life journey.

    I’m not religious but I think this is one of the things that religion was trying to accomplish by making marriage such a sacred thing and divorce so restricted and children out of wedlock so disapproved of. The “nuclear” family was a secular version of the same principle. Yes, all that had unintended consequences too but if you are not prepared to raise children with a person you should not be having children with them. Yeah, “people change” but your commitments do not. That’s why they’re called commitments. If you’re not going to follow through on your commitments you’d better have some really damn good reason to be causing such lasting damage to your child. It can be justified in some cases, but I think it’s pretty rare that it actually is justified. Children deserve a stable and lasting family environment. I think that’s a big part of why foster care is generally such a disastrous failure too. How do we fix this? I don’t know, but I know it starts with the parents being responsible.

  • cecilkoriktoNonCredibleDefense@lemmy.worldCANADA'S SECRET PROGRAM REVEALED
    16 hours ago

    Even if we don’t have any, it doesn’t matter. We could build them so quickly that we are considered a “paranuclear” state, with an estimated nuclear latency of about 3 days. We have all the technology and infrastructure we need already and we know exactly what we would need to do.

    This is why anyone who considers invading us needs to consider Canada as a nuclear state, even Russia’s “3 day special military operation” took a lot longer than 3 days – and by that time we’d be expected to have nuclear weapons ready to retaliate with. They thought terrorists with nuclear weapons were scary, imagine what Canadian resistance insurgents would do with them. Last time we were in a war we burned the white house down. This time we’ll have nukes. The Canadian occupation is going to last a very long time and be a very dangerous project for an invader.

  • Finland is the best in the world at building icebreakers. Even the Russians, with the largest and most sophisticated icebreaker fleet in the world, get theirs built by Finland.

    Sounds good to me. That said it would also be nice to have some backup capability to build these kind of ships in our own country, or at least ensure we have the ability to maintain and upgrade them. Maybe we could partner with Finland to add our nuclear technology to their icebreaker expertise and provide some actual value to the world.

  • cecilkoriktoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf-hosting minecraft
    4 days ago

    That means Bedrock unless you use the Geyser tool someone else mentioned to allow Bedrock to connect to Java but I have no experience with that and am not sure how reliably it would actually work as they are quite different versions of the game. I have no idea how it would handle mods that are not supported by the Bedrock clients for example.

  • Most stuff is metric already. Some people still use imperial for pop culture things that are mostly influenced by the US. Construction materials are imperial because we are the major lumber supplier for the US and everything is cut imperial. If that were to change, maybe the construction industry would start to change too. Buy our lumber!

  • cecilkoriktoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf-hosting minecraft
    4 days ago

    First you need to understand the difference between Bedrock edition and Java edition. Bedrock is for consoles, phones and Windows, it’s the default version that Microsoft pushes now. It’s not compatible with Java clients or Java servers. So if you’re planning to have the kid play on Switch or something like that, it’s not going to work.

    Assuming you’re clear on all that, you have a few options for Java servers, you can run a plain jane vanilla server (the one that Microsoft provides) fairly easily but it has some limitations, and it’s not the most manageable solution. Modded servers are much more capable and flexible but also can be a little more complex in some cases. Overall, I’ve found Purpur the easiest and most sustainable choice at least a few years ago when I was looking for the right choice it seemed like most people agreed this was the best option. Fabric is another great option, especially if you want to use mods! Fabric has a huge modding ecosystem, second only to Forge.

    However I also need to mention that I’ve got a heavily modded Forge-based server running right now and I really didn’t find that any more difficult to set up than any of the others. Even though people usually complain about forge being “difficult” somehow. So take that for what it’s worth. I think it doesn’t really matter THAT much which server software you use unless you have specific requirements around things like mods, spawn protection, and other kinds of configuration that are probably most useful for large, public servers.

    If you do want to run a bedrock server, it gets a little more complicated as you might have to break some things out of the walled garden. I haven’t had a lot of success with that but I understand it is possible.

  • Yeah it’s like the guy in Wyoming who passed an anti-trans law saying that it’s not required to use preferred pronouns to refer to somebody and then getting all upset when he was called “madam” and whining that his preferred pronoun is “chairman”. That leopard eating your face must hurt.

    Even if there were some woman as hellbent on destroying civilization as these guys, then she’s a techbro. And if she gets mad about being called techbro because she’s a woman? Well, how sad for her. “My heart goes out to you”

    We’re not trying to make them happy. Fuck them, fuck them all. If it makes them mad to be called a “bro” good, that’s a bonus.