Translation for the condoms on the left:

Asiatic condoms

I have a suspicion about what they’re trying to say by that, and it’s racist AF.

Not sure exactly what they think their target demographic is for this washroom.

Sorry it’s not really a meme, but I didn’t know where else to post it, and I HAD to share.

  • PeriodicallyPedanticOP
    10 months ago

    Yeah. And that would have been great if you had said that initially. Like one of the first comments did, and I thanked them for guiding me to the more appropriate channels.

    But that’s not what you did. Instead of providing constructive and useful feedback, you were super hostile to a relatively new user.

    This is by far the largest community for “funny shit”. It’s going to be a lightning rod for people who want to post funny shit but can’t find an appropriate community, even if it doesn’t meet your strict definition of “meme”, until the other communities get larger and easier to find, or this community starts linking to sibling communities. That’s just the reality.

    It’s ok if you don’t wanna spend the effort helping out people who are still learning and exploring, but at least try to chill out and treat people with civility.