Nobody could possibly have foreseen this! Scientists are baffled!
The ban of indoor smoking in bars and restaurants immediately and sharply dropped the number of heart attacks in service personnel.
Medical research may be on to something.
This is important because prior to the report’s period, some 4,000 people died in London each year due to toxic air pollution.
Holy shit
I’ve always wondered how they come up with these stats. Because generally speaking, nobody died from acute polution poisoning or whatever. It must include things like a percentage of asthma related deaths and what not.
Can confirm: the air in London is pretty terrible.
In “deprived communities,” which tend to see the most pollution in the first place, there’s been an 80% reduction in people exposed to illegal levels of pollution.
Oi m8, you got a loicense to inhale this level of pollution? /s
Jokes aside this is great news and exactly the intent of the ULEZ policy.