Now she’s talking about not “grieving right” borrowing content from her newest groupie Renee. I hope her fake friends realize she isn’t even worth being fake friends with. But maybe that’s already happening and that’s why she spent time with Alicia and who ever the other person was. She’s just such a looser!
She’s so pathetic. I’m still so baffled that she was able to go have fun last night but couldn’t go to her so called “best friends” birthday? Even for an hour to show up for your friend? I’ll never understand why these people think being friends with her is worthwhile. They all have their own things going on now, they really don’t need her.
Really? I could NOT imagine her carrying a show even with a cohost. She is so awkward every time she has been on tv. She isn’t a good speaker, she cares too much about her appearance, she isn’t smart/has no valid input on life issues, she’s hardly funny. It’s no wonder she didn’t get hired.
Not sure. I can’t really see her doing that commute everyday. I think her big career opportunity was thinking she could be in a Disney movie or some sh!t 🤣
Now she’s talking about not “grieving right” borrowing content from her newest groupie Renee. I hope her fake friends realize she isn’t even worth being fake friends with. But maybe that’s already happening and that’s why she spent time with Alicia and who ever the other person was. She’s just such a looser!
She’s so pathetic. I’m still so baffled that she was able to go have fun last night but couldn’t go to her so called “best friends” birthday? Even for an hour to show up for your friend? I’ll never understand why these people think being friends with her is worthwhile. They all have their own things going on now, they really don’t need her.
Is she crying over the cat or the fact that BT didn’t hire her? A lot of speculation that was the big opportunity she was going for!
Really? I could NOT imagine her carrying a show even with a cohost. She is so awkward every time she has been on tv. She isn’t a good speaker, she cares too much about her appearance, she isn’t smart/has no valid input on life issues, she’s hardly funny. It’s no wonder she didn’t get hired.
Lmao 🤣 remember the time she looked like her legs were on backwards because she was sitting so awkwardly?
She’s such an uncomfortable weirdo when she’s on tv. I bet they looked at all her past tv appearances and they couldn’t rip up her resume quicker lol
As if she ever had a chance.
That would require her to leave the house wouldn’t it? Did she really apply?
Not sure. I can’t really see her doing that commute everyday. I think her big career opportunity was thinking she could be in a Disney movie or some sh!t 🤣
Omg they would never hire her.
Grieving right??? Is she using her husband’s dead cat for content? Wow…how low will she go!
That was the photographer that had to fetch Alice ice for her feet at Disney.