that - -yes, that! is a world i wana liv in! <3
jus nice n reasonable peeps-.-, thds vrri comf reality ~ ~ ~
r e a s o b a l e r e n t
*pushes up glasses*
I think you mean… reasobale.
fixed, thanks!
ive looked up the term and it doesn’t return anything…
u cnt jus say a word which doesn mek sens -.-, ,.,- or did u jus wana give us the feeling of the word? cuz the feeling i cn kinda see
im srrriiiii!!! ;(
i rlli didn wana mek “haha funi crop” my reasoning for crop was dis:
- i pre-set resolution in Krita
- i put bullet point list
- bullet point list extended past bottom and past rightt
- but making text smol would hav less impact
- so i keep it and jus hop peeps r oki with it…
im rlli sori i didn do this to be funi or not funi or anythn.,. .,.- i did it by accident ;( i vrri like -.- -rlli vvririii much srrii i didn mean it pls dun call me a shidlord im not a lord an i dun wana be ;(
No, i honestly think you’ve added value to it - i had to consciously read it.
I was just being facetious :)
but,.,… but then pls dun say that! it feels supr uncomf cz - i rlli wana be a non-evil person… i rlli wana be like fluttershy, u kno?..
btw i think you can drag an img link onto the default krita page that has the new file button and recent files and stuff and it creates a new project with the image for you
i kno i kno i alrdi use dis featur somtim. not dis tim tho cuz i didn wan fluttershy to be all huge and all-encompassing (even tho i wan her to be)
very valid, have a nice day
I support the message but that is some atrocious cropping.
- more vegetarians and vore
- less aggressive/loud pee
makes perfect sense to me uwu
We can only wish… what a world that would be owo
the cropped parts say:
I prefer thinking it is
i kno… most peeps around here do ;(
Can you blame dem tho? “less aggressive/loud pee” is more funni
if everyone were more like stallman we would have:
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
truu!!! ~ ~ <3
GPL is supr cool !!! >v<
i luv mekin sofwar which mek peeps go “cool, i use it cuz it useful an doesn wan my moni or data or balbalbla an alsu i cn modify hehe i luv dis wrld”
I’m gonna steal parts of your style of online interaction.
i will take thad as a complmnt! ~ <3
idk why but reading this typa text makes me smile
thads nice to hear, thanksies!!
Wait! Before you do, let her licence that style using an FSF-approved licence!
I just enjoy stealing.
gpl is the best <3
We’d have:
- GPLv3
- endless daily political notes
- no browsers, only web pages sent by email and read in emacs
- everything in emacs in fact
- edible toe nails
- horny parrots
- no congratulations for having a baby
- too many notes about the ontology of pedophilia
- some dubious sexual comments at women
The stallman lore is rich and diverse.
holy shit i didn’t know about the edible toenails wtf
stallman’s … very peculiar
I think you mean AGPL.
I do wish I lived in such a world, where everyone is like Fluttershy. Resobale rent would be especially nice.
Why do u comment on comment and not on post?.. alsu yesyes would be supr nice world <3 where peeps would look out for each other
How to teach someone to pee softly? Asking for myself.
u cn jus pee against toilet wall. that way it not like
but more like--------bs-----sss---------ss------s-----[DONE]
an that mek it silentthat’s… oddly descriptive.
well yes, otherwise u would not have been able to pictur the sound in ur head <3
I didn’t watch a lot of MLP, but didn’t Fluttershy have very extreme reactions to stuff often, like loudly crying?
no, i dun think so. fluttershy is .-.,.,. fluttershy is vrri like - no she doesn lik bein loud… an she rarely is even if scared… i watch the mlp quite a lil bit so i’d know >~<
I might have been mixing her up with another one. Maybe the Pinkie Pie? It’s been a while, my daughter loved that show when she was very young.
hmm you might be referring to Rarity, the white one with purple hair and fancy dresses n stuffs.
she cries a surprising amount which always felt off to me… ~
you’re going to LOVE MEEE
whadduyumean luv u?— i rlli dun get it…-
i lookd at ur profile n im rlli not shur im goin to luv u.- but alsuu im happily proven wrong <3
What? No, that’s a quote from MLP. Are you sure you watched it?
oooh this one… right. yea i kinda -.-,-,.- mix-match watched it in English and German…, so i may not have seen that one in English and not recognized it… also i only watched until… fifth season? maybe it comes up later, but i think ive seen fluttershy say that angrily at the camera on some pinterest page before (dun wori, i dun hav account >v<)
Ugh, fine. If Bronyism is what gets us there, so be it.
ive onli ever heard of brony before… what is it?
its horny but with pony
it isn’t! Also, she knows what brony means, just not what bronyism is
it isn’t!
yah-huh it is
nu-huh it isn’t! just means fan outside the expected demographic. I used to be one and the horny was never of any interest to me, nor to a vast portion of the fandom
nununu i dun kno what a broni is eithr, i onli heard of it being used . like - i kno de word but not the mean
also pls dun steal my usrnm
What username will you be using now that Smorty belongs to me? 😈
Maria [she/her]
cuz that's not my usernameit’s my dream name i thinks…
That’s a lovely name <3 I also have a name I received in a dream! Unfortunately my subconscious saw fit to give me a name which is perhaps a bit odd in the waking world haha
ew ;(
Adult male My Little Pony fans.
well thads kinda… i dun lik thad----
im not a bro… an alsu i dun think i … shud count as adult…,-,-,.,., onli just becam “adult”
Sorry. I didn’t mean to imply you personally are in a particular demographic. I was more trying to point out that there’s a fandom of ironic appropriation of this franchise and that if it somehow evokes social change, that would be a good thing, even if I personally don’t like anything else about the franchise.
nununu it’s all fine!! i didn wana accuse u of saying anything like that, and i totally didnt read it like this, all is totally fine! <3
ooooh actually, i completely missed the
in ur message, sorry for not getting that >~< that was my bad —anyway yes, if good things happen for some reason, and peeps jus r way cooler, then that reason gets to be whatever it wants to, as long as its not spoopy or weird… which is gues mlp might count as…-,.-
Pegasister, then :3
awwwww thanksies"!! ~ <3
thads so sweet of u to say!!! thnks vrri much ~ !
is that less aggressive/loud pee?
nu… i says
less aggressive/loud peeps
(i lik to say peeps cuz people gives me less positive feels… but peeps sounds way mor fun n sweet)EDIT: im still laughing at the idea, because that would probably also happen. >v<
Based world
very based indeed <3
Fluttershy 2028!
i wud totally vote for her! ~ ~ ~ <3 !!!
Rarity instead
Everything else applies
But clothes are fancier.
I don’t see Rarity abolishing capitalism
She would, but only to replace it with a theocracy where she is god.
i dunno, rarity is obv super cool n stuffsies but also i feel fluttershy is more selfless and cares more for others…
without capitalism we would not have rent or prices of goods and services because people would just get what they need
also, yay, cool hair <3
Could you expand on that? I don’t quite understand.
i made a mistake on my comment, i meant without capatalism not under it.
Oh, gotcha. That makes more sense.
:o imagine that! :oooo
that’d be like - SO cool
jus like - woah… peeps actually getting what they need!1 that’d be a tru gamechanger for peeps in non-social countries~ <3 (and still supr cool in social ones ~ ~ ~)
this is such a long animation woah… i cnt watch it rn tho… or rather - .cnt listen.,.
All I know about MLP is Tamers’ videos. His account was recently deleted but people have reuploaded all of his MLP videos. They’re MASTERPIECES of shitposting, with random moments of actual sweet writing. The animation is stellar, switching from cutouts from the actual series to horrifying poop-butted dumpers to legitimately adorable drawings to photos of actual regular horses.
I heavily recommend.