• Cataphract@lemmy.ml
    4 hours ago

    lol I remember that about the debate fact checking and all the crap they kept throwing up on how a real debate is practically impossible (even though many smaller broadcasters and organizations don’t seem to have any problem with it). They say debates are useless and I’m starting to agree with the general consensus. Now, they should be important. But they way they’re covered in mainstream as more about “feelings”, the lies and propaganda that are allowed to be spread at them, and the fact no politician is actually held accountable for campaign promises makes them moot as they exist today.

    I would recommend Majority Report and Humanist Report (Canadian based) off the top off my head (they have links to all their uploads on all the platforms for whatever you use). There are a lot of more independent news organizations that are decent if you start looking for them.

    • sunfur82
      53 minutes ago

      Yeah, I read a take where they said it’s more about inflaming people than actually informing them. And I can see it more and more, it’s all about the 2-3 word slogans. It’s gotten to the point where, if the slogan or message is too long to fit on a bumper sticker, people will just tune it out.

      Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out, especially the Humanist Report.