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Joined 17 hours ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2025

  • sunfur82toBuy CanadianWe Need to Avoid American Media!
    32 minutes ago

    Yeah, I read a take where they said it’s more about inflaming people than actually informing them. And I can see it more and more, it’s all about the 2-3 word slogans. It’s gotten to the point where, if the slogan or message is too long to fit on a bumper sticker, people will just tune it out.

    Thanks for the links, I’ll check them out, especially the Humanist Report.

  • sunfur82toBuy CanadianWe Need to Avoid American Media!
    5 hours ago

    I agree too. its frustrating, because on one hand, it gets exhausting listening to all the false information they’re putting out, or just outright lies, but on the other hand, it’s important to keep informed and know what they’re doing. I guess in the end, it’s really just a tactic; tell as many lies as possible, because the other side won’t have the time, energy and resources to dispute and rebut all of them. So the lies not being challenged will be believed to be true. And that side will keep piling on the lies, because they know the other side can’t refute all of them.

    I remember in one of the US debates, one side was telling lies and saying things that were objectively, factually false, and they weren’t being called out by it by the moderator. Later on, one of the analysts on another network said that the problem was, if the moderator keeps fact checking the person who’s always lying, it looks like they’re picking on them and favouring the other side. When someone pointed out that was because the other side wasn’t lying, or lying to the same degree, the analyst said it didn’t matter; what mattered was the perception.

    CBC is really the only source I follow and trust, but I’m not sure what other sources to go to. I want to be more informed, but don’t know what other sources to go to.