Thank you! I’ve been subscribed to & reading the DullMensClub post for a while but didn’t want to participate in a space that seemed to be male-only (fair enough)
Having an all-inclusive dullster domain may be just the place! Perfect! Thanks again!
It’s been really great seeing the community grow the way it has. Of course everyone is welcome in either community as long as you’re dull. maybe there will be more dull communities on in the future.
Thank you! I’ve been subscribed to & reading the DullMensClub post for a while but didn’t want to participate in a space that seemed to be male-only (fair enough)
Having an all-inclusive dullster domain may be just the place! Perfect! Thanks again!
It’s been really great seeing the community grow the way it has. Of course everyone is welcome in either community as long as you’re dull. maybe there will be more dull communities on in the future.