A new joint report by the Bruegel think tank and the Kiel Institute has warned that "new Russian aggression in Europe is 'conceivable', citing NATO claims
However long it takes, conscription is one of those things that will one day be looked back on as an unconscionable horror of the past akin to slavery. I’m happy to be saying so from a country where it already is.
Isn’t conscription mostly useless in a time where strategy isn’t anymore send more infantry to death than the country in front
I don’t think that you train a plane or tank mechanics in less than 6 month add 3 month of basic/common training and by the time they start working efficiently their time as conscript is over
However long it takes, conscription is one of those things that will one day be looked back on as an unconscionable horror of the past akin to slavery. I’m happy to be saying so from a country where it already is.
Isn’t conscription mostly useless in a time where strategy isn’t anymore send more infantry to death than the country in front
I don’t think that you train a plane or tank mechanics in less than 6 month add 3 month of basic/common training and by the time they start working efficiently their time as conscript is over
Switzerland? Norway?
Oh. That’s different?