Perun’s video this week is also relevant - looks like the 2.5%GDP would be plenty.
Seriously just toss the USA out altogether. The world needs the influence of a united Europe and it needs it now.
Conscription Back on a Large Scale?
However long it takes, conscription is one of those things that will one day be looked back on as an unconscionable horror of the past akin to slavery. I’m happy to be saying so from a country where it already is.
Isn’t conscription mostly useless in a time where strategy isn’t anymore send more infantry to death than the country in front
I don’t think that you train a plane or tank mechanics in less than 6 month add 3 month of basic/common training and by the time they start working efficiently their time as conscript is over
Switzerland? Norway?
Oh. That’s different?
How much it needs to protect itself from the us?
Apparently 5% of GDP could put us in invade the US and China territory. Simultaneously, that is. The thing with military hardware is that paying twice as much might get you ten times the stuff because economies of scale. Even keeping the current GDP percentage and unifying procurement would do a lot.
I guess it’s our time to export freedom
Please don’t, it went bad the last time.
We do need to defend ourselves though.